Void - Intrulogical -

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Requested by @/remusownsmyuwus on Tumblr!



Logan advocated for a proper and healthy routine for all the other sides and Thomas. When they should be getting up, what things they should eat, how much they should work, and when they should go to bed. He was great at keeping the others all on track and healthy and making sure they practiced self-care.


He was absolute shit when it came to caring for himself.

Logan's head throbbed and he groaned softly, rubbing at his temples, trying to massage the pain away. He had already taken tylenol and ibuprofen, hoping it would soothe his headache and he could just continue working. But it wasn't.

And Logan wanted to finish this script. Once it was done being edited, he could move onto another personal project and finally be all caught up on his work.

Just when Logan had returned to typing, arms wrapped around him from behind and held Logan tightly, initially startling the side and sending a wave of dizziness through him.

"Remus!" Logan huffed, and everything hurt to look at for a moment.

He heard Remus laugh softly and press a wet kiss to the back of Logan's neck. "Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist." Remus hummed, arms still loosely around Logan. "You doing alright, Moonbeam? You don't look too hot. And I always think you're hot."

"I'm fine, Cephy. Just a bit tired." Logan forced a smile. "I'll be fine."

Remus raised a brow, unimpressed.

"I'm serious, I just have-"

"Logan, when was the last time you got out of this chair and relaxed today?"

"Well, I haven't today, but-"

"And what have you eaten today? Drank?"

"Breakfast that Patton made and a glass of water-"

"And what have you been doing all day?"

Logan sighed. "Working. Okay, I get it. It doesn't sound great." Logan forced Remus's hands away so he could turn in his chair to face Remus. Logan really didn't know how exhausted he looked. "I just really needed to catch up on all this work, Thomas needs to stay on schedule!"

"Lolo, I love you and love your ability to stay this motivated but I swear to god, if you don’t start taking better care of yourself, I’m gonna strangle you with soft blankets, drown you in warm chamomile tea, and subject you to an unending supply of your favorite cartoons that we’ll watch together cuddling in bed, you absolute bastard."

Remus cradled Logan's cheek, watching as Logan's resolve broke away. Logan leaned into Remus's touch, letting out a soft sigh before nodding. Remus smiled gently, pulling Logan in for a tender kiss. He knew how Logan felt. And he knew Logan needed the help he so often gave the others, Remus included.

"So, my void, what do you wanna watch?"

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