Worst EVER of all time - Florida x Reader

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Warning: Shorter than short

Yells and screams could be heard down the hall, pouncing from wall to wall..

"Are they seriously arguing again?" "Pretty much." York said flatly to the steel and yellow freelancer.

"We should really get the director-" "For what? To break them up, or play the roll of couple counsellor?" South cut in and North had to agree with his sister on that one. "I think we should just let them be and figure out stuff themselves." the blond Dakota said.

Agent (S/N) bickering with Agent Florida, they haven't been a couple for a year and they were already acting like an old married couple.
"At least--" cut off "A boyfriend with one emotion and-.." "Well-" another cut off "Dammit Butch! Why did you eat my fucking brownie (Cookie, Muffin and or cupcake) anyways!" "Well I couldn't help it! It was just sitting there on the counter!"

Washington well everyone.. South, North and York just stopped and took a moment to acknowledge what was being said between the couple..
"Are you serious?" "Well.." North began..
"Now that is the worst argument/disagreement EVER of all time.."

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