Lampo Arc-Rosert Famiglia

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It's been three days after the incident. Within these three days Lampo never once speak with the other guardians. He either stay in his room or come out for a while just to take his meal, then he is back in the room.

The other guardians are worried but they didn't want to confront him. After what happened, they would let Lampo have some space to himself.

This situation continued for a another four days, which make it a total seven days after the incident. Lampo is still not talking now and he's been eating lesser and lesser. Giotto can't stand it anymore and finally call a meeting with the other guardians.

Giotto POV

"Regarding Lampo..."I looked up and pause. I saw all my guardians have some conflict emotion shown except for a certain two. I focus and continued. "...we must do something about him. "I said with a stern tone.

I heard no reply for a long while until Knuckle sound out. "What should we do about him...? He's been shutting himself out." I sighed. To be honest even myself don't know what should we do. I'm still struggle to warp my mind around the idea that Lampo actually tried to kill someone.

"Nufufufu......"a certain laughing sound break my thought. I looked at the source of it ." So thats how you guys doing to play... Pretend that he didn't just tried to kill someone? "As soon as Daemon said it. All of us visibly tense up and the meeting room once again fall into silence.

This time Asari is the one who broke the silence. "Do we have any information about the intruder. We haven't deal with him right. " Alaude silently slide some file across the table. "The intruder is from Rosert Famiglia. "

"Rosert famiglia? "I muttered confusely. "They are a famiglia that do drug trafficking, human trafficking, loan shark prostitution and most importantly. They do human experimenting ."

Something clicked in my mind as I heard the word human experimenting. My rage rise and my flame come alive at my forehead. I let out some killing intend. All of my guardians is now staring at me. Asari sit closer and place a hand on my shoulder. He let out some rain flame and it calm me down.

I nod to Asari as a sign of thanks and ask Alaude to continue The explanation. "The Rosert famiglia is split into 7 unit correspond to our flame. Every unit is lead by their guardians. The only thing that require our special attention is the sky unit. "

"What's wrong with them? "Daemon asked.

Alaude shot him a look of curious wondering why would he be interest but only to be reply with a sly grin. He then continue. "They were all extremely dangerous experimented puppet. "

"What!!! ". All of us is shock to hear this.

"All of the member of sky unit use to be an experiment. They were all granted special powers through it."Alaude said emotionless.

"What about the puppet thing? "G ask. I can't help but shot a glance at G. This is the first time he spoke through out the whole meeting and I notice that G is not looking up. My hyper intuition told me that something is wrong but I decided to solve one problem at a time.

Alaude reply "because when they was experimented. The famiglia plant some device that make them follow every order their boss, Rosert Primo give."

Alaude look back at the file."They are also the most brutal force within the famiglia. "

"Well..." I said. "Since Lampo want to ...kill him. "I said the last part quietly.

"He must have some kind of hatred against the Rosert. " I think for a while before I said. "Anyone know about it? "I asked.

Knuckle look around and said quietly unlike his normal behavior. "Honestly now that I look back......Lampo never really talk bout himself aren't he. "

This immediately caught our attention. I motion for Knuckle to continue. "All we know about him is that he is a son to a landlord and nothing more......."

Upon hearing this I feel into deep thought. I remember the first time I met Lampo. He wasn't always whining like now. In fact, it was the total opposite.

Five years ago, I stand in front of a ten years old boy .I squad down to met his electric blue eyes.

" name is Giotto. "I said cheerfully. But the boy doesn't seem to be affect. It's hard to blame him since his dad just sell him to me. 'He must be confuse' I think.

" say. " the boy sound. "What? "I looked at him confusely.

"Who do you need me to kill? Weren't that why you buy me for. "He looked me in the eyes. All I see was a pair of sharp eyes piercing my soul.

I was shocked at first to see the way he look at other people and what he say. "I don't need you to kill someone for me. "

He remain his emotionless face but I could see a glint of relief wash over his face.

"My hyper intuition told me that your dad used you as a tool. I don't know what it meant at first by look like I already got my answer. "I stand back up

"I buy you just to help you. I guess that you weren't be happy there.... You are free right now. You can do whatever you want. It's fine if you don't follow me. "I walked toward the carriage to head back to the newly established Vongola mansion.

Suddenly I felt thay someone pull my sleeves . I turned around to see Lampo pulling me. "W...will you protect me. "He looked up at me with an emotion that fit his age.

I smiled "of course. "He then cling on me. I smiled and walked aboard the carriage with him.

"tto...Giotto! "I snapped back to the meeting and looked up at my guardians. Thay looked worry about me. "Are you alright , Giotto? "G asked.

I looked around and say. "Yeah. Just remind of the day I first met Lampo...... "

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