Daily Arc-G's plan

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Yesterday afternoon, I just engaged in a fight with the flute idiot and the melon head. We blew off parts of the mansion mostly melon head's room. We were stopped by Giotto and by that a massive destruction of the mansion was prevented. It mostly started by me so I got a personal talk with Giotto since I never really started fighting with the others. I usually just bicker with them.

Surprisingly, Giotto let me go after I explain how the fight happened in detail. Maybe he know that I'm not in the mood to talk ,he let me go easily.

I stayed in my room since that afternoon and never stepped foot out of it except for dinner. And I didn't said a word at yesterday dinner.

So I can actually foresee how they bombard me with questions after I set foot into the dining room for breakfast the next second.

But surprisingly they didn't, the breakfast went through like normal. It was full of bickering and fighting and even though it's weird. I somehow gain some warmth from it. Seeing my family fighting like this remind me the reason why Giotto and I established Vongola. And this make me even more determine to carry out what I'm planing. But first I need information and I know just who I can get it from.


"Hey, Alaude!" I called out as I walked into his office at the end of the hallway.

He looked up from his document and met my eyes. He eyes let out an amusement glint and said. "Such rare occasion..."

I decided to ignore his comments and went straight to my aim. "I need information on the Rosert." I said to him.

He narrowed his eyes for a second before asking . "Why?" I didn't replied I don't want any of them to know of my plan. If I could I didn't even want to ask Alaude for this.

Seeing that I'm not replying ,he pulled out a file from his drawer. He put it in front of me not saying a word.

I took the file and walked towards the door just as my hand reach the door knob another hand stop my hand in it's track.

"I know you're planning something." Alaude said. He looked up to meet my eyes. "Don't. "He said for once full with emotion.

But unfortunately I can't obey him. I free my hand and turned the door knob. I walked out of the room not saying a word.

'I'm sorry but I have made my mind, Alaude...'

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