Lampo Arc-My Past

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Lampo POV

It's been about ten minutes G dragged me out and force me to have a meal. I am currently eating the spaghetti the maid prepared and eyeing the other guardians. They all keep quiet and watching me eat, no one speak and that include Asari who always like to lighten the mood.

I finished my meal and pushed my plate away. I waited until someone made a sound and that someone turned out to be Knucle. "Lampo, are you alright? "Knucle asked, for once with a soothing tone not the normal loud voice.

I lower my head. "Sorry ......" I said.

"For what? "Asari asked .

I took a deep breath before starting. "I know that you guys don't want me to kill. I'm sorry that I almost did that one thing you guys forbid me to do. "

"We're not fond of that. "Giotto-nii said with a cold tone. But switched it to a soothing tone for the next second. "But we want to know why did you do that. "

I raised my head to look at Giotto-nii. I was actually afraid of this question, I didn't want to tell them this, not my past. Giotto-nii must have sense my emotion he told me in a soothing voice. "Lampo, we won't judge you. We just want to know why. You're always part of the famiglia we will never judge you. "

Again I took a deep breath and reluctantly start to talk about my past.

"When I was five my father exchange me for mafia protection for his buisness ."

"I'll give you my child but you must promise to protect my buisness and elimate my buisness enemy." A man with a bread in his early thirties, my father said.

"Huh..."another man said amusely. "What make you think your kid valued that much? "

"Watch. "My father pushed me to the front and nudged me. I looked up to see my dad but only saw a pair of uncaring eyes glaring at me. I lower my head and do as he order. I focused and electric sparked from me.

"Interesting. "The man said.

"So it is a deal? "My father asked.

"It is. "The man smile. "He'll be a valuable asset if he already can control dying will flame at such a young age. "

"And then I went through some experiment. "

I was locked up in a cell no matter how hard I cried no one come. A few days after I was locked. A man wearing doctor robe started to test my flame. He hire many children on the streets to attack me. And I had to defend myself using my flame.

"Tch! "He walked towards me. I was lying on the ground having no energy left to stand. He walked towards me. He squad down and hold my chin up." I exchange you thinking that you'll be a valuable asset. But seeing this...I may have to revalue my opinion. "

"Keep in mind that we don't feed useless idiot. You may want to prove your value here or you'll die. "He said before leaving me there.

"I finishes being examined when I was 8."

"Finally. "The man said. "You past the test." I was standing in the middle of an arena. My eyes was dimmed ,it was no longer have the innocent vibe in it. It was hard cold. I glared at the bloody bodies in front of me.

'I killed....' It was the only thought in my mind. I thought I would not able to accept this, accept the fact that I have tainted my hand with blood. But when it really happened I did not went through the mind course I thought I would. I just think ' I killed ' and that was all.

'You are now the official assassin of our famiglia. Congratulations Lampo."

It was the first compliment I heard since I was here and I would do anything for him to hear it again. I want his acknowledgement.

"And I started to work as a assassin for that famiglia. "

I killed...many. I had lost counted of how many I killed. I just killed following order. My young age come in handy when I worked. No one will suspect a mere 8 years old boy. My life was great that time....... Or at least that's what I think.

"But there was an incident and I was I fake my death and went back to my family. I was nine at that time."

"Catch him!!! " I ran as fast as I can. Lady luck was not on my side this time. I was busted just before I'm able to electrocute the target. I ran back to the lab, I killed some man following me along the way.

When I make it back ,he stared at me with his harsh cold eyes. He sent some other assasin out to settle he mission and the aftermath of my mistake. But it was never the same again.

One day, when I was training in the lab. Someone shot me from behind. I fell to the ground and was bleeding profusely. I wanted to get up and counter attack but a familiar sound stop me.

"Good job!" Said the voice. I recognize that voice, it is the man that exmined me , giving me missions and trained me.

And although it is pathetic, I took him as my father even after what he did to me. Maybe I just want someone to acknowledge me, to appreciate me. So when he praised me, I take him as the most important people in my life.

And at that moment I lost my meaning of life. I can't t believe that my 'father ' was trying to kill me.

"He failed. He was no longer a part of our famiglia. "He said harshly. "Throw his body away. "He said before he walk away, not even taking a second glance.

I lied there and at tht moment too I decided that maybe it is time to left this all behind and go back to my real family. I faked my death. The assasin throw my body into a river. I swam back to the shore after he left and went back tomy home following my memory.

"But went I reached home nothing was the same when I leave. All of the maids,Butler or even my dad was afraid of me. Thay know that I was an assasin."

My dad's eyes widen when he saw me. He thought that I escaped from the famiglia. He was terrified, he scold me saying that if I disobey the famiglia his buisness will vanished in just a few seconds. He wanted me to go back there even if it means that I was going to get killed.

I stared at him for a long while. I know that he wasn't the best dad but I never thought that he will treat me like that. I told him that I fake my death so it was fine. He seems relieved then he walked away.

He know that I am an assassin and I can clearly feel that he was afraid of me. All the maid and Butler in the house never treat me the same anymore, any of my action just seems to scare them.

"After a few months my dad can't stand that he's living under the same roof with an assassin so he sell me to Giotto-nii. "

As I finished my story and all my flashback. I can feel my cheek was wet. My tears was flowing out profusely. I wiped away my tears and raised my head to meet the other guardians gaze.

I was shocked to see that all the guardians hold some kind of sympathy in their eyes, even Alaude and Daemon.

Put of a sudden, Giotto-nii pull me into a hug. "It's fine, Lampo. "He said. He then look me in my eyes and said "from now on your only family and famiglia will be us. "

He look around at the guardians and he was replied by multiple nods. He returned his gaze to me, and the only thing I saw in it was kindness...

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