G Arc-G vs Lampo

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I was tied to a chair and was now struggling to break free. 'I got to find Lampo.' This is everything I could think of. 'Lampo must be terrified to be in this place again. He work so hard to left this place yet I bring him back. '

Moments later, I heard some clicking sound from the door. Thinking that it was 'the doctor ' I started cursing at the figure that came towards me. Yet I was shock when I get a clear vision of that figure. It was Lampo.

At the same time my rope snapped, I ran towards Lampo and check his condition. He was fine, he did not sustain any damage but he did not make any response to my question about him and that pipe up my suspicious.

"Looks like you're all ready. Let's the show began. "

"What show?" I turned around to find the source of the voice who I recognize as 'the doctor' while trying to cover Lampo who isn't responding behind me. I spotted the speaker at the corner of the room at the ceiling.

"What of course ,it's the big show G vs Lampo. "

"Hah…it's funny that you thought we'll fight against one another to entertain you. "I said.

"Before you said that you should take a look at your beloved partner. "

I turned around just in time to see Lampo was swinging a sheild that I'm guessing he get from the weapon cabinet at the corner of the room towards me. I rolled to the side and stand up into defending stance immediately. "What are you doing Lampo?! "

"He can't hear you. "

I dodged to the left as I shouted angrily. "What do you do to him! "

"We did nothing you're the one who do this to him. "

I curse under my breath at doctor's answer. 'The doctor' like to talk about things indirectly but he never lied so I rethink about everything that happened to Lampo in this lab as I knew and something came up my mind.

"Inject this into him. "Commnd the doctor.

"What is this? "I asked looking at the green substance inside the syringe.

"This substance helped control someone mind." He replied.

I then kneel down beside Lampo that already pass out due to exhaustion. I hold the syringe near his arm but I hesitated. I don't know should I do this or not. Although he emphasis that this kid is bad I can't bring myself to hurt such a small kid.

The doctor came beside me and said "G…inject it. "He said it with a more forceful tone compared to before. Thus, I do as he order. He smiled and walked away afterwards leaving me there staring at the little kid…

I snapped back as I felt a hit to my head. I retreated back to the corner and check my wound. I was bleeding but not much otherwise I'm fine.

"Remember now. The substance you injected inside him is called 'controllo del fulmine' . It'll make someone loss his consciousness thus getting control by someone. "

I gritted my teeth hearing this. Lampo was controlled . He'll do whatever the doctor command so I have no choice but to stop him.

"I'm sorry, Lampo." Lampo was still swinging his sheild around while I'm weaponless. I cannot do much except for dodging around. That sheild was a big problem. And at the same time something click inside my brain. 'That's it the sheild he get from the cabinet. I ran towards it and found my bow in it. Look like the doctor is quite fair in this kind of thing.

I turned around and shot three arrow at Lampo which he deflected with his sheild. The fight escalated when he shot some lightning at me. It managed to graze me but not enough to deal major damage. I in return shot some storm flame coated arrow at Lampo.

Lampo held uo a a barrier to protect himself but the disintegrated element of storm flame manage to pass through it and hit Lampo in his leg.

He couldn't stand anymore as he was kneeling on one knee and shot lightning all around the room.

Using my arrow I knocked Lampo's sheild out of his hold. Not waiting for
Him to recover I ran towards him and hit him out cold.

"Well the outcome is as I expected. "

"Come out now!" I was beyond angry. I hurt him again although I made myself a promise not to anymore.

"Heheh, don't be so mad . Before you try to kill me you should take care of Lampo. "

I was alerted by some coughing sound. It came from Lampo and he was coughing blood. I kneeled down and held him closer.

"I have initiated the final protocal so it's either you die or he die. "

I looked at Lampo closely he was clearly suffering . His breathing became ragged and the blood kept on pouring out if his mouth.

"How do I save him? "I asked. I can't let him die. Never. Through all this years Lampo is now more than just friends or colleagues. He is family. He is my brother.

"I believe you know the answer G. Now how will you choose. "

"Hah." I smiled as I looked up at the hidden camera I knew was located at the ceiling ." There is nothing to choose because letting him die is not an option. "I said.

I stand up and pulled out my gun. I put it over my head. It felt cool against  my head and I can feel fear creeping up on me but I must do this to save Lampo. Just as I was about to fire something pulling my pants.

I looked down to see that Lampo has regain consciousness. "Lampo! "

"Don't do this G, pls. "

"You'll die if I don't. "

"So be it. "

"What?! "

"I'm dead the moment I was sent to the Rosert I know my ending wouldn't be well. "

"No! I wouldn't let anything happened to you. "

"You don't have to do this. I have to embrace my fate. "

"…Lampo I have something to tell you maybe you'll change your mind after this. "

"I know. "

"…what …"

"I knew it the first time I met you but I didn't say anything because ei know you have your own reason for doing this. We're all forced into this situation. "


His coughing became even more serious so I dropped my gun and got down to Lampo.

"Hang on! "

"Don't feel guilt for this. I choose this path myself.I wanted to free both of us from our past." Lampo said as he slowly closing his eyes.

"No! Don't close your eyes! Stay awake! "

I shook him to keep him awake but the effect is minimal .

"Looks like the game is over. " the doctor appear in front of us. He must have came in while we not payong attention.

By this time ,tears already wet my face. I looked up at the doctor and saw him lit up his ringready to give us the final blow.

I have lost my hope at that time so I made no move to defend myself. But a  familiar voice snapped me out of it.

"Don't you dare give up, G. "

I snapped out of it and rolled to the side just in time. As I was out of the way I saw my famiglia lead by my childhood friend, Giotto was standing in front of us in defending stance.


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