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Bella POV
It was a beautiful and calm Thursday morning in Melbourne. Jasmine and I were at work (they work at a pet shop, both of us love working here because we both love and have a passion for animals)

It was about 11am.
I was helping a lady pick out some food for her pet dog, "this one looks like the one your looking for, the food gives your dog a healthy coat, good health and its yummy. I hope your dog loves it". Thank you so much said the lady. She paid and both Jasmine and I gave a pat to her adorable pup and said goodbye.

I noticed that Jasmine was on her phone so I called her out on it. "hey you know we are meant to be working" said Bella. "Yeah I know but come look at this" said Jasmine. It was then that I noticed she was on Instagram and I thought what could possibly be interesting that has Jasmine eyes glued to her phone.

So I went over to see what she was looking at, I saw she was looking at videos of a football club training session. I ask her "why are you watching that? to which she replied "you know that I am a sporty girl, its just something I thought I check out".

As I was watching the videos of the training session on Jasmine phone, out of nowhere she asks me "why don't we go one day and watch them train"? my eyes widened as she asked me that. Why I replied as I was cleaning up the shop.

"Because I want to go check it out, come on Bella you know I love sports and footy is one of my favorites sports" said Jasmine.

"I know that Jasmine" as hard I was fighting and asking questions as to why does Jasmine want to go to training and why do I need to be there I accepted her offer to go to watch the football team train. Thoughts started going through my head. Am I going to enjoy the training session or am I going to regret it.

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