So About That Date.

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So we left off in the previous chapter with a phone call of Brandon calling Bella at work and here is how the conversation went.

'Hey Bella its Brandon, how are you?, I'm good i'm just at work and my break has ended so what's up? I asked him. Sorry to call you at work said Brandon, I replied saying 'its all good. I just finished training and I was going to ask you what are your plans tonight? he said and I could tell that he has a smile on his face because of his tone of voice when he asked me that. Um nothing after work, why you ask? I said in a hopeful tone. 'Good because I was going to ask you if I can take you out tonight? Like on a date? I said and Brandon replied yeah so is that a yes or a no?

Its a yes I would like to go on a date with you I said with a smile on my face. I'm glad you said yes so what time should I pick you up? Brandon said. I finish work at about 7:00 so maybe 7:30, I said to him. Good so I'll see you then he said to me and I replied I'm looking forward to it and he said me too. We both hung up and I put my phone in my bag which was in my locker and then I went to find Jasmine to tell her the good news.

'You were in the break room for a while are you ok' asked Jasmine as she gave me a look that told me she was curious. Yeah I'm ok actually I'm really ok I said to Jasmine smiling. I know you were on the phone so who were you talking too? Asked Jasmine, I replied with happy tone in my voice ' I was talking to Brandon, Jasmine interrupted me I guess this is payback for when I interrupted her when she was telling me about her and Josh going on a date, she asked me 'what did he want? I replied in a happy tone he asked me out on a date and I said yes. Jasmine gave me a hug and let me know that she is happy for me as well as what time is he picking me up. I told her that he is picking me up at 7:30 but I finish at 7pm

Jasmine checked out the time and we both saw that its almost 7pm so we both said goodbye, put our apron in the break room also we grabbed our bags and walked out at the shop. We drove home. Soon as Jasmine and I arrived home, I went upstairs to my room to have a shower and choose what I'm wearing. I walked out of the shower and opened my closet. I don't know what to wear if its casual or formal so I texted Brandon.

Hey Brandon its Bella just want to know if I should dress casual or formal tonight, to which he replied dress casual and comfy. I replied back saying thank you, I can't wait.

I finished getting dressed and put makeup on and did my hair. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs to show Jasmine my look and asked her if she approved, her eyes went wide open and said 'Bella you look gorgeous' Do you think that Brandon would like it? I said and she replied 'of course he will. So I poured a glass of water and sat down next to Jasmine to watch TV to pass the time until Brandon has to come and pick me up.

I keep on checking my phone to wait for 7pm and as I keep an eye on the time I see it get close to 7pm and I start to get nervous and excited. There was a knock at the door and Jasmine and I both looked at each other and she smiled at me and I did too. We both got up from the couch to look outside the window, we saw that Brandon was here at the house. So Jasmine went back to the couch to watch TV and she left me to stand near the door.

Brandon walked up to the door and he knocked, I opened the door to him smiling. We both greeted each other and he complimented my outfit by saying that I look gorgeous and I replied by saying thank you also letting him know that he looked handsome. We both walked to the car and got in and started to drive to the date.

The date will be in the next chapter, sorry its a late publish but I appreciate the patience. I hope you enjoy reading this and look forward to the next chapter. Make sure you read, vote and leave me your feedback. Thank you so much :)

Bella's date outfit

Brandon's date outfit

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Brandon's date outfit

Brandon's date outfit

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