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"It's a trap!"

"What are you doing here?" Sidapa turned to confront his uninvited guest, his death scythe appearing out of thin air.

"I came to warn you, and the moon god. It's a trap. Asuang has somehow found a way to poison the sword given to me by the fisherman I once helped. The poison is lethal enough to kill Kaptan." Bakunawa said, cowering before Sidapa.

"Kaptan is an elder god, his powers cannot be defeated by mere poison." Sidapa replied, standing tall against the sea serpent's stature.

"That is true... but this poison was also created by another god, and as such lethal to gods like himself."

"Who is this god, and why would he wish to harm the chief of all gods?" Sidapa demanded.

"I do not know. I only overheard portions of Asuang's plan as he told his minions to stand by, and watch as the entire world is thrown into darkness once the god of light is dead."

"And why should I trust you?" Sidapa's gaze scanned Bakunawa's face, looking for signs of deceit.

"The moon goddess... Haliya. As well as the moon god, Bulan. Tala, the goddess of the stars. Even the bright Adlaw, will all cease to exist if Kaptan is defeated. This world will wallow in darkness, trembling under the chaos that would ensue once all light is forever extinguished."

"Asuang came to beg for Bulan's forgiveness earlier. Do you mean to tell me it was all to set this plot in motion?" Sidapa wanted to be sure.

"Yes. He knew that the headstrong moon god would not take lightly to the fact that he can never ascend the night skies. Asuang was sure a heated arguement between the young god and his grandfather would become inevitable. Thus, he pretended to offer my sword as a sign of his sincere intentions to be forgiven... hiding the fact that he wanted Bulan to use the poisoned sword on his own grandfather.

"It was by pure coincidence, that the topic of never being allowed to share the night sky with Haliya, was discussed at the same time the moon god was given the poisoned sword."

"I must stop this." Sidapa started to ascend the skies when Bakunawa's voice stopped him.

"You cannot! You must let it run its course, only then will you be able to prove Asuang's treachery and punish him. You must stand guard here at Mt. Madjaas, Asuang plans to destroy the tree of life as well... rendering you unable to bring back any god or beast from the afterlife to aide you once Asuang and his army claims this world for their taking."

"But Bulan... Kaptan..." Sidapa started to worry.

"Let me help. Let me prove my loyalty once more to you. You who created me when you were young and once courted Bulan's grandmother. Command me, as you once did when I used to ferry flowers and gifts to Maguayan for you... before she chose to be with Kaptan.

"Allow me to pierce the protective barrier and grant me access to Kaptan's palace. Only then will I be able to warn them, as you try to stop Asuang and his men from doing further damage here on the surface world." Bakunawa pleaded.

"Take this, it will allow you to enter the realm of the sky gods." Sidapa stretched his right hand to cover Bakunawa with his shroud of shadow. Instantly Bakunawa became one with the night, his figure transformed into a dark cloud.

"I won't fail you master." Bakunawa promised.

"You better not, for if you do, I will repeatedly kill you and bring you back to life until you experience a thousand pain in each death and rebirth. Now go! I have Asuang to confront."

Bakunawa floated away from the shrouded mountain, his main concern to prevent his sword from even grazing a strand of hair on Kaptan's head.

He reached the golden palace as clashing sounds reverberated around the clouds. He found Bulan wielding both the death sword and his own poisoned sword with swift precision and determination.

Kaptan defended himself with blinding light, gusts of wind, and streaks of lightning. His counterattacks proved he merely wished to defend himself and took great care not to hurt his favorite grandson.

Bakunawa propelled himself, determined to wrestle the poisoned sword out of the moon god's grip. He quickly advanced but both gods turned to attack him at the same time. He was struck with lightning from Kaptan, and an energy ball from Bulan seconds apart from each other. He writhed in pain, but his determination kept him going... his only thought was to ensure his beloved Haliya's safety.

"Stop! You must listen to me. It's a trap. Do not continue this fight!" Bakunawa shouted as he squirmed in pain.

"Leave my domain murderer! I have not forgotten your transgression. You have killed my grandsons. I will deal with you later!" Kaptan kicked Bakunawa and sent him hurtling through the air in a twirling mass.

He watched in utter fear as Kaptan sent his sword clasing with the death sword, then twisting it in a clockwise motion to deflect the poisoned sword. A high pitched clash was heard as Bulan lost his grip on the poisoned sword.

Bakunawa rejoiced at the sight of the poisoned sword spinning uncontrollably in mid air. It hurled itself across the thick clouds.

His smile faded as he watched in horror where his sword continued to fly to. It took him less than a split second to gather all his might to try and prevent the sword from reaching its target who was unaware.

Haliya turned quickly, a rustling sound alerted her to an approaching presence. She was confronted by Bakunawa's smiling face, a single tear fell from his right eye, just as he whispered her name with longing. Then his eyes closed. His frame started to plummet to the sea below, a sword embedded between his wings, his back covered in blood.

It was then that she realized what he had done... shielding her from the sword, he unselfishly gave up his life so that she would be safe from harm.

Haliya watched as Bakunawa splashed loudly on the darkened sea, his face still held the smile she missed. She disappeared in a white smoke, reappearing moments later cradling the lifeless creature. It was then that she realized how much she loved him...

Just as his last breath left his body and his smile, faded.  


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