Chapter 16

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The sun shone through the window the next morning, forcing Xenia's eyes open. She lay in bed naked next to Justin, who was already awake and peering over at her, his dark gaze gorgeous as ever, his hair rumpled and jaw covered in stubble. It was the kind of vision that made a woman wonder if she was dreaming.

Which made her think back to ... something else that had seemed so surreal it had to have been a dream. Last night. "That didn't really happen, did it?"

Justin's eyes widened with worry. "Oh God. Please don't tell me you're going to freak out and go all regretful on me."

She drew in her breath and stared up at the ceiling fan whirring above them. It had really happened. She'd fucked two men's brains out last night.


But before she proceeded to freaking out, she made herself stop and think through the situation. It had happened, and there was no taking it back now. And she'd let it happen, had
wanted it to happen. And it had been the most delicious experience of her life, no denying it. She didn't think she'd ever felt more powerful, more feminine, more desired, more like a woman of her own than she had last night.

She pulled her gaze back down to the handsome man at her side. "A week ago, I couldn't have handled that, no way. But somehow, now, because of you,  I can. And I doubt its anything I'l ever do again, but I'm glad I did it, I'm glad you pushed me to. You made me feel things I never would have without you."

A slow smile unfurled across his face. "I'm so glad, baby," he said, pulling her into his arms. "Because I want you to feel everything. I want you to be a woman who isn't afraid to seek her pleasure."

Despite herself, a slightly sheepish giggle leaked free. "Believe it or not, before we met, I
did have sex, you know. I'm not totally as backward and old-fashioned as I probably seemed to you when we met."

"A lot?" he asked, looking curious.

"Well. . . with guys I was in relationships with, yeah, sure." "But was it . . . like it is with me?"

She looked into his eyes, trying to read the real question there, trying to interpret his heart. But she didn't want to make the mistake of seeing more than actually existed. "If you mean were there vibrators and third parties and shaving involved you already know the answer to that."

"That's not what I mean. What I'm asking is was it as . . . intense as it is between us?" Intense. That was putting it mildly. She shook her head. Then looked up at him, half teasing, half not. "You may have ruined me for all other men."

There was no mistaking his arrogant expression. "That wasn't my goal, but ..."


He grinned hotly. "But I like thinking I've given you experiences no other guy ever has."

A short, wild laugh escaped her. "Congratulations, you have about a hundred times over. Which reminds me, you don't have any other surprises up your sleeve for me, do you? Other kinky activities, lingerie, toys?"

Still smiling, he shook his head. "Afraid not. Unless you want me to come up with some."

"No shoes?" She raised her eyebrows. "Not that I want them, but you once insisted on my shoe size, so I expected you to haul them out at some point."

He gave his head a matter of fact tilt. "You said you'd throw them out into the snow. I didn't want to waste a perfectly good pair of shoes."

She cast a smirking grin in reply just as his cel phone buzzed  across the room on the desk next to his laptop, where she guessed he'd left it yesterday when he'd been catching up on work. She watched as he flipped back the covers and padded across the room to answer, so beautifuly naked that her mouth began to water.

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