Truth Or Dare Part 1

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(Hidan's Point Of The Story)

(Pain, Deidara, Tobi, Zetsu, Hidan, Kakuzu and Itachi are the members Inside the living room)
(Not Inside the room is Konan, Kisame and Sasori)

"Is everything ready?" Pain asked his members.

"It is Leader-sama," Itachi said, and
As he gets done with whatever he had been doing with the others.
Just then Konan, Kisame and Sasori came into the room with the last snacks and drinks.

"Hidan will you call them from Konoha to see if they could come?" Konan said with a killing look on her face.

"Yeah Yeah Bitch," I growled back, but on the inside,

"Good and Hidan if you Call ME that ONE MORE TIME then YOU better remember WE are gonna Play TRUTH OR DARE!" Konan said in a little to Happy voice.

"Shit," I replies, as I takes My Red Phone out from the inside of My Dark Blue Pants. and left the room to call a friend in Konoha.

(I'm gonna Take the Call)
(With Hidan inside his BedRoom)
(Still Hidan's Point Of Story)

"Who in Konoha should I call?" I thought as I sat down on my bed.

(Time Skip 4 Minutes)

Now...I know who I will call, and that's my little Sister. So I takes My phone and calls up My little sister.

"Hello?" My sister said.

"Hi Sister we are fucking ready now so are you and the fucking Guys comming the fuck over?" I asked with a smil on, even though she couldn't see it.

"Sure big brother it's been two weeks?" She said a bit sad.

"Yeah it's been fucking long Sakura But when can you and the Guys be here?" I asked.

"How About 17 minutes," She replies with a happy tone.

"Sure See you then," I said as I hung up. And went back into the living room.

"Hidan when are they comming?" Konan said, as she saw Me comming into the room.

"They're here in about 17 minutes Konan," I said.

"Good," She said.

(Time Skip)
(End Of Chapter 1)

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