Truth Or Dare Part 4 (Truth)

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(Info None of them know's abort Deidara's crush)
(Not even His Best Friend know)
(Deidara's Point Of The Story)

"....Tobi Truth Or Dare?" Ino asked Tobi who sat on the floor.

"This is gonna be good," I thought

"Poor Tobi, Ino can be Evil good it's not Me!" Kakuzu said to Shino.

"Yeah I know that don't forget She is My Girlfriend? Kakuzu!" Shino growed.

"I know That," Kakuzu grunted.

"Tobi takes Truth, because Tobi is a Good Boy," Tobi said in a Sing/song voice.

"Well Tobi Who here in this room has the nicest butt?" Ino asked with a smirk on her face.

"Tobi thinks that..... Tobi has the nicest butt, because Tobi's butt is Sexy and Tobi know's IT," Tobi song out loud with a Good Boy Pose.

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....... All of us said?

"moving on," Sasori said.

"Yeah Your turn Tobi un?" I said as I looks to Sakura But Only when She didn't Look or Know!

"Do NOT pice Me! Tobi Don't Do it!" I thought scared of What Sakura was gonna think of Me. if Tobi Chose Me.
And He did Choose Me.

"Tobi will ask Deidara Truth Or Dare?" Tobi asked Me.

"Damn it Tobi You are goning to die tonight!" I thought.
As everyone looked at Me, they were waiting for Me to pick One of em.

"Hurry the Fuck up Deidara!" Hidan said with a smirk on looking at Me like the others were.

"Yeah Come on man," Kiba said.
"What a drage?" Shikamaru Said. looking away from Me like Sasori, Pain, Shirley and Konan did.

".....Truth?" I said not 100% sure but it was better then a Dare from Tobi, and just think what He could make ME DO!

"Good luck," almost everyone in the room said to Me. Even Sakura said good luck.

"Tobi got it He got it, Tobi dare's Deidara to kiss- Tobi was cut off by Sakura.

"Tobi Deidara said Truth and NOT DARE!" Sakura yelled at Tobi.

Tobi looks down and said
"Tobi is Sorry Sakura-chan,"

(Time Skip 18 Minutes)

"Tobi got a Truth now, He do
Deidara, it's What color underwear are you wearing right now?" Tobi song.


"My underwear is Pink Tobi," I said
But wait I was fast to look next to Me and Sakura was also blushing.
When I look back to where I was looking before I saw Hidan.
And He was Looking at me Evil, with a smirk on, He nodded Sakura's way
As if to tell Me that He know of My crush on his baby Sister, If He does then I'm gonna Die Young.

"Hmm now it's my turn to ask someone something? But Who?,
Sakura No No No NOT Sakura!.
Then Itachi Yeah Itachi," I thought to Myself.

"Itachi Truth Or Dare?" I Asked.

"Truth," He said.

"Do you write in a diary?" I asked Him.

"No I don't!" Itachi said out caim.

"Hidan Truth Or Dare? Itachi asked Sakura's older brother.

"I pick a fucking" Hidan said.

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