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I could feel everyone's body heat radiating on me, I felt hot and sticky. I had been dancing so much I was out of breath and I'd been drinking too much that my vision was a blur.

"Wanna show me a good time." A man called grabbing me by my arm and pinning me against the wall.

Everyone was dancing, the music was blaring, and as much as I squirmed against his hard grip and yelled at him to let me go he didn't budge and no one was listening.

"Get off me!" I breathed, trying my best to get out of his grip.

"Come on baby." He slurred, it was now that I could smell the alcohol off him.

"You know you wan-" the man started to say but then fell to the ground.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out, the odd feeling though was that once they had touched me I felt a unfamiliar warmth.

"Are you okay?" They asked and I realized the voice.

"Cook?" I stuttered, he just stayed silent his blue eyes glistening in the night.

I then wrapped my arms around him and held him tight, feeling safe in his arms and never wanting to let go.

"Come on." He said.

He walked towards his car and I followed. Once we had gotten in the car I could see his facial expressions more clearer, and he looked so angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked, putting my hand on his.

He flinched at my touch and then looked at me.

"Nothing." He growled.

I stayed silent and didn't try to push into it.

The car had finally stopped after a silent ride back home.

"Thanks." I said giving him a half smile but he just stayed like he was, frozen and cold.

I walked to my door hoping that he would follow me, but when he didn't I internally slapped myself.

Opening my door I sat on the sofa, I was too tired to go upstairs so I went to sleep.

Cooks POV:

I slammed my fist against the wall, until the wall and my knuckles were red.

Again I couldn't keep her safe, and it was driving me crazy.

These feelings are foreign to me, even when I thought I loved Effy this was different. I didn't love Effy not like I love her.

I stood in a dark alley, just punching a wall.

I was hurting myself because a man hurt her.

I didn't understand what was going on, fuck it's so damn frustrating.

But that's not even the worst of it, I told her. I fucking told her I loved Effy. What the fuck was wrong with me!

I wrapped my arms around my head and began walking in circles.

I finally decided to get a drink, that would hopefully take my worries away.

Walking through the streets I finally found a bar and walked in. It wasn't empty but it wasn't full either.

"What would you like, man?" A man with a thick British accent asked me.

"Anything strong." I said and he nodded.

"Over here is my own invention." He said passing the drink over to me and I took a quick gulp.

"Good ain't it?" He smiled, seemingly impressed with himself.

"Keep em comin ya?" I said passing the glass over to him and he filled it back up.

"Slow down mate." The bartender who Id learned was named Matt said.

"Give me a whole bottles worth." I slurred, but I wasn't too drunk.

I could still control myself.

"No more for you mate." He kissed his teeth and put the bottles back in the shelf.

"Tell me man what's got you like this." He asked, his eyebrow lifting upward.

"Nothing." I said bluntly.

The man kissed his teeth," I've seen your hands, their bloody bruised. Come on telling me won't hurt nun." He said, picking up a glass and towel and rubbing it clean.

"It's complicated." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm a bartender, trust me I hear complicated stories everyday, especially when a drunk man is telling it." He chuckled.

"It's this girl, she's driving me crazy." I groaned.

"A girl yeah? Why am I not surprised." He kissed his teeth.

"Tell me bout this girl." He said and I didn't know where to start.

"Well...Well uhm. I met her the first day of college but I didn't really care of her, I just knew her from friends. Then we started to talk and she just seemed so innocent and sweet and genuine, like she cared about me. I didn't even..ughh I just I don't know man. I told her I loved another girl which I did but I didn't really but..it's complicated and tonight I was a bitch towards her." I breathed, feeling a heavy weight lift off my chest once I'd finished.

"Well that's a tough one isn't it?" The man chuckled, raising his brow.

"But mate, live in the moment. Who says she doesn't like you?" The man said.

"I mean why would she." I shrugged.

"The only way your going to get this confusion out of your head is if you talk to her, don't let your problems control you, control your problems." He said and I nodded.

"Thanks mate." I said getting up but almost falling. I had a little to much to drink and I was getting a little tipsy.

Making my way out of the bar and towards the street, I let my legs wander until I stopped and stood in front of Amanda's house.

I slowly walked towards the door, hesitating once my knuckles almost hit the door.


I was cooking myself some Mac and cheese after my parents had gone to sleep. Just as I was about to pour the pot into the strainer so all the water would leave I heard a knock on my door.

I froze for a second, who could that be.

Grabbing a knife from kitchen I slowly tiptoes towards the door, holding the knife firmly in my grasp.

Slowly peaking through my window I saw a shadow but I couldn't quite figure out who it is.

I slowly opened the door holding my knife towards it.

"Who are you." I asked holding the knife towards their stomach.

"Calm down, calm down it's me." A masculine voice said, holding their hands in the air.

The man then stepped into my house until I could see who it was.

"Dean?" My eyes widened and I dropped the knife on the ground.

What the fuck.

Not edited.

Cliffhanger who????

Bad Boy Cook (James cook//Skins)Where stories live. Discover now