Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Please the enjoy the video, One Republic's "Apologize". Don't get anxious, it's the plot, you guys know I am all for happy endings, that doesn't mean there aren't going to be any blips along their journey to happiness. xoxo, Dianna"


"No, absolutely not. We can't just pull "The Beast" over on the side of the road and run into just any and every convivence store because you want ice cream. If you want something in particular, we can have it delivered to the house, or have one of your elite chefs make it at home." Mason argued sounding like a disgruntled parent as I instructed the driver to pull over at the entrance to the gourmet ice cream shop just blocks away from the White House. An order of which the nervous chauffeur was completely ignoring as my agents scanned the area as if an unlikely assassin was waiting in an alley close by to try and make an attempt on my life.

"Daddy, we have several flavors of ice cream at home. I'm sure you'll find whichever one you want to satisfy your sweet tooth amongst the choices." Elizabeth stated as she continued to tap away on her cellphone. Catherine just shook her head as she continued to read from her e-reader.

Sighing out my displeasure, I turned my attention out the car window and watched the storefronts wiz by as the motorcade made its way through the police cleared path back to the White House. We were rounding Dupont Circle before I wistfully responded. "I miss shopping for myself. I miss being able to walk into a store and browsing the isles just to see what the place had to offer. I miss trying to make the choice of buying a red and juicy apple or a Granny Smith. I miss sampling the cookies at the deli counter. I miss the normalcy of just shopping for myself."

Elizabeth and Catherine immediately stopped what they were doing and rushed across the seat to sandwich me in the middle of a bone crushing hug. "Daddy, don't. We hate it when you get into this mood. We get it. We miss it too, but you were meant for greatness and being in this role was meant for you. Mama always said sacrifices had to be made to make this world a better place." Lizzy whispered in my ear and it took all they I had to smile reassuringly at her and nod my head in understanding.

God bless their little hearts, they were such troopers, graciously living in the spotlight of my life. They understood and have accepted their burdens without resentment or malice. I couldn't have asked for better children. They're my world, but even they couldn't understand the weight that I carried on my shoulders on a daily basis. It wasn't just the loss of the freedom to do simple everyday mundane tasks such as grocery shopping or perusing storefronts on the street. It was the constant scrutiny, the judgmental assumptions from the people of the very country I tirelessly served. The injustice of the fact I that had to hide my true self in order to satisfy the polls and fit the image of the status quo that came with the race to keep ahead of everyone else on this political merry-go-round.

Today I was feeling the pressure more than any other day. I have been extremely blessed to be in the position as the head of a super power that is the United States of America. But I can honestly say that I'm glad that this is my last term in office. I can hand the reins over to whomever America chooses as their next leader, and hopefully I will be able to live out the rest of my life with some semblance of happiness. My girls will go on to college, find a young man or woman of their choice, and live their lives as they see fit, and I just want to do the same. My gaze swept over to Mason, and my heart fluttered in my chest as those enigmatic eyes of his held me captive.

After the other night, when he tucked me into bed after pleasuring me in such a way I've never experienced before. I've had my fair share of sexual acts performed on me as well as performing some throughout my adult years, but the man had worked my body like he'd created it just for his pleasure alone. I can't remember ever enjoying an orgasm before like the bone melting one, he'd given me in such a short space of time. If he could reduce me to a brainless bundle of goo with just his talented mouth, I was sure that man would render me useless if we ever got around to having sex. I'd woken up the following morning yearning for things I'm fully aware weren't going to be possible anytime soon.

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