1 - Jared

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A/N: uh so this is my first fanfiction ever so it's gonna be absolute garbage just warning you before you read it :D

TW: cussing (this is the only time I'm putting this heere because there's going to be cussing in pretty much every chapter)

"I thought the only reason you even talk to me is because of your car insurance."

"So maybe the only reason you talk to me, Jared, is because you don't have any other friends."

"Go ahead. Do it. Tell everyone how you helped write emails pretending to be a kid who killed himself."

The fight happened a year ago, but his words still echo through my head as if it had just happened yesterday. The tears run down my face just as I hear my dorm room open. I quickly wipe away the tears and put on a cocky face as my roommate walks in.

"Hey Jared." He says as he waves at me, holding a slushie and listening to music through his white headphones. "Just grabbing my stuff, Jeremy wanted to hang out at the arcade today." 

"Well don't get upset when you get kicked out for having sex in the bathrooms-"

"jArEd" He squeaks as he walks out of the door. "We literally just started dating two days ago. Anyway, see ya later, buddy" 

"See ya, Michael" He shuts the door behind him and I get out my phone. I absent mindedly opened Messages and went to Evan's contact. I scroll through the messages that were sent a year ago, but I never responded to. I didn't know how to.

Treeboi: Hey, man

I just want to say I'm sorry 

For everything

I know I was a dick 

I am a dick

I'm trying not to be 

Are we good? 

If you ever want to hang or whatever...

All right. Talk soon

I felt bad for leaving him on read for a year, but I knew if I saw him again, I just wouldn't be able to keep it all inside. I'd end up confessing about how I've loved him since freshmen year, and then he'd ditch me because he'd never like me back and he'd just see me as some weird- 

Anyway, I really don't want to see Evan. Maybe later. And by later I mean next year. Maybe then I'll be over him. Maybe.

Well, that was part one I guess, its kinda short but each chapter will probably be this long

See ya later

-jhvhgdyfduhgjhvxt :P

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