12 - Jared

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Me slowly realizing how shitty the title of this book is-

I burst through the front door of our house and run straight for the bathroom. I throw up until my throat hurts, and then I just sit there. 

"Jared?" my mom calls from down the hall. "Are you okay?" I hear her footsteps come closer. I'm too weak to stand up, so I accept defeat and wait for her to find me. The door is pushed open and I can hear her gasp loudly. 

"I guess I did get sick, heh." I manage to mutter out. She starts asking me questions frantically, and I end up lying down on the couch with a trash can next to me. I obviously wasn't sick, but I wasn't about to let my mom know that. Especially after she made me ramen :D

So basically I'm just sitting on the couch watching The Lorax, eating ramen, and then realizing I left my blade at Evan's house.



My mind takes a few minutes to process this. And then I realize that if Evan or even Heidi found it, they would do some serious investigation to see where it came from. And then they would remember how I spent an hour in the bathroom, and then randomly left claiming I was sick.

My brain makes me think my act was bad, and that they could tell what really happened. I start hyperventilating, my hands shaking furiously. 

Then the phone rang.  

I heard my mom pick it up from the kitchen.

"Oh, Heidi!" I hear her exclaim. Fuck. She immediately starts chatting with Evan's mom. I hear a few 'oh no's and 'gosh's, and a few loud gasps. Then the phone beeps, signaling the end of the call.

My mom comes rushing into the living room and stands next to me, looking worried. 

"I was just on the phone with Heidi," she starts. Based on the tone of her voice, I can already tell that this is gonna be really bad. "She said that Evan found a bloody knife in their bathroom soon after we left. They don't where it came from, or how it got there." She looks at me, as if waiting for an answer.

"I-I don't know." I reply, being the very smart person I am. My mom sighs, and looks at my empty bowl of soup.

"You sure you're fine?" for some reason I feel like that was directed more at my mental state instead of my physical state. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I do a really convincing fake cough, then lay down. 

"What am I gonna do with you?" she mutters under her breath while walking away. I calm down a little bit, then focus back on my movie, which is now at my favorite part (his favorite part  is How Bad Can I Be btw)

ohmygod im so sorry for the long wait ahHhHHHh

Im also sorry for the short chapter but I didn't want to randomly change POV's in the middle of the chapter, so you might get another chapter soon but idk :)

Car Insurance (Kleinsen) [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt