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look its me, the kind of motivated person who somehow is doing something with their life. so uhhh my update schedule is kind of a mess right now, soooo... yay

Tw: small mentions of self harm, but its not anything extreme

(this chapter takes place before the ending of the last chapter)

It's already been a week since I came home, and I haven't really done much. I'm pretty sure my mom is suspecting something, since she gives me weird looks every time I get up to use the bathroom after we eat. One time she caught me throwing up, but I managed to convince her that it was just a stomach bug. She let me stay in my room the rest of the day, but I wasn't complaining. Another time she saw some spots of blood on the bathroom floor, but she didn't ask me about it.

But today I feel going outside and doing...something, anything really. My mom recently got a job at 7-11, and she became friends with this kid who always wears a trench coat, so she's not home right now. I grab the keys to my car, and walk down the driveway. I climb into the SUV that I parked there, and immediately turn up the music. It's very loud, but that's just how I like it. I start cruising down the street (cruisin on down main street-), but I don't have a destination in mind.

I'm jamming out to "Share Your Address" when I see a very familiar acorn walking down the street. Before my brain has the chance to say no, my hands are turning the steering wheel towards him. I have a brief thought to run him over, but it was drowned out when I saw his face for the first time in a year. I pull up next to him, scaring him. I hold back a laugh; I had forgotten how adorable he was when he gets flustered. I turn off  my music and roll down my window, while plastering my iconic smirk on my face.

He pulls out his ear buds and looks at me for a minute before finally saying something

"Jared?!?" he almost yells, before clamping a hand over his mouth. His face is red, but I don't know if he's embarrassed or if he's cold. To be honest, my face probably looks like that too.

"No, it's Alana." I say. He looks really confused. Does he actually not understand the joke? "I'm joking. Yeah, it's me." 

He's still just standing there, not speaking or moving. "What, do you not want to see me?" I ask. But what he actually doesn't want to see me? What if he thinks I'm a loser with no friends who couldn't even work up the courage to confess to his crush at the band concert because the said crush was busy staring at Zoe Murphy? I grip my wrist, enjoying the pain from putting pressure on the cuts.

"No, no, it... it's actually really great to see you." He says, a grin breaking out onto his face. I unlock the doors and gesture for him to come in. He hops in and gets a good look at me. I turn away to hide my blushing face. "You look thinner. N-not to be rude or anything! Did you finally actually start using that gym membership?" 

I bite my lip and start to panic, before turning back to him with a cocky grin "Yeah, I'm pretty strong now. Bet I could beat you up, punk. Also, I've caught some nice looking woman catching a glimpse at me." As if the Insanely Gay Jared Kleinman would care about some girls. As if the Insanely Depressed Jared Kleinman would actually go to a gym. Evan giggles his adorable little giggle, before turning away, almost looking disappointed about something.

He fidgets with his shirt before turning to me again. "I never told anyone. A-about..." he trails off. My grip on the steering wheel tightens. I've been hoping that he would tell everyone, so I could just get it over with. So I could finally get all the hate that I deserve.

"Just...forget about it, ok?" I respond. "Where do you want to go?" I ask him, cause honestly this whole time I had just been driving around the block.

"My house. Please." The rest of the drive is silent.  

Ok so the next two chapters are going to be flashback to the fight, one in Evan's POV and one in Jared's POV 

See ya later

-jhvhgdyfduhgjhvxt :P 

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