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oop im back oh no brace yourselfs this chapter is.... not really that sad actually oops. btw my writing sucks (in case you cant tell by the first 3 chapters) so uh get ready for that i guess. also my tree baby is finally heere! yay.

The whole Connor Project thing was a year ago, and I'm almost over it. Almost. There's just one thing that I can't quite get off my mind. Or, well, person. And that person iiiissss...... drumroll please.....(Jake-)


He's probably forgotten all about me and our 'friendship.' Can I even call it that? He'd always correct me about it saying we were just 'family friends' and then leave me to wonder what that even meant. 

But I'm mostly over it. My mental state is actually a lot better then it was in high school, which is surprising given everything that happened. But I'm always on edge that I'd get exposed by the Murphy's, but they never did. At least not yet, and I'm hoping they never will. I took a year off from school so I could get a job, save money, and get some credits for college. 

Anyways, moving on from that, Zoe started talking to me again. She forgave me for the whole...thing, but I can still tell that she's hung up on it. But at least we're hanging out again, and we're good friends now. Oh, and Alana and I are, well, acquaintances. But close acquaintances. I'm actually more surprised that Alana forgave me then Zoe forgiving me, because she seems like a very stubborn person.

I'm still writing letters to myself, and they actually help me now. I'm actually writing one now, kinda. Until I heard my bedroom door swing open.

"Evan! I have some good news!" My mom calls from the doorway. She finally got her degree, and she's been home a lot more often nowadays.

"What is it?"

"Jared is coming back into the neighborhood for winter break!" She exclaims. Shiiiit. (Ok shush about Evan being an innocent boi have you read the book) Ansjjdnfjdkdj What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he never wants to see me again? What if- "His mom said he needs a little more time to get himself together, but she thinks he'll be ready to see you soon."

"Oh. That's ok. When does he come?"

"Actually, he should already be home." wHAT. 

"Ah." I try to hide my anxiety, but I'm kinda failing. I'm trying to focus on my letter and not my moms glowing smile from across the room.

"Hey, don't be like that, maybe this is the year you guys finally become friends again, huh? It's been so long since I've seen you guys really hung out, and I think it would be great for both of you guys!" 

"Yeah maybe." I shut my laptop as I print out my letter. I grab it and sit back down on bed, pulling out my phone. My mom sighs before speaking once again.

"You've been inside all weekend, why not go for a walk or something? Maybe it'll help clear your head." She suggests. It's a good idea, walks do usually help me calm down.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I say, while shoving my phone in my pocket. She leaves my room and heads downstairs. I follow her, and walk right out the door. 

I stroll down the sidewalk, humming to myself. I put my earbuds in and I start listening to my playlist. I'm so entranced by my music I almost didn't notice the SUV pull up next to me. The driver rolls down their window and smirks at me. I immediately pull off my earbuds and gawk at the person who's currently next to me. It's...


I know I said I would update on the weekend butttt.... I'm early hehe

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's kinda short but almost all the chapters will be this length soooo yeah 

-jhvhgdyfduhgjhvxt :P

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