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Haha so I'm at a sleepover and I'm bored so heere I am. Also next chapter is in Evans POV, so he's coming soon I promise. This fic is cliche it's not even funny anymore help

TW: bulimia (this is kinda a big thing in the whole story, so I'm gonna stop putting it heere, so if it bothers you, I suggest you stop reading this)

I pull up into the driveway of the house I grew up in. My mom is already waiting on the doorstep, and runs up to the car as soon as she sees it. I step out of the car and she pulls me into a bone crushing hug (in the first draft of this it took place in high school and Jared's mom was abusive but then I was like naw, he need some love) before dragging me inside.

"Jared! How have you been?" Not very good. At all. 

"Good." I say, even though I knew it was a lie. I subconsciously grip my wrist with my other arm and look at the ground.

"Jared? You don't look ok. Are you sure you're doing fine?" She asks. 

"I-....yeah. Just tired. Long drive." I give a half hearted smile.

"Heidi called earlier." Oh shit. "She said she couldn't wait to see you again, she hasn't seen you since....since the whole thing with Evan. I said that you were still recovering from.... whatever it was, and that I didn't think that seeing Evan was the best thing for you right now." 

"Thank you" 

"Jared, it's been a year. I think it's time you try to forgive Evan, he's really sorry-"

"I know. Just....whatever. I'll think about it, ok? I'm just tired right now, so I'm going to my room" I grab my bags and run upstairs to my room, locking the door behind me. I feel tears coming, but I get a call from Michael. I wipe at my eyes and press answer.

"Jared my buddy, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Ok ok so Jeremy's roommate moved out so I'm going to move in with him."

"But who's going to be my roommate? Or will I just be alone?"

"I heard some guy is coming heere even though the year started a few months ago. I'm guessing he's going to be you're new roommate."

"Ugh. Ok, whatever. I just hope he's as easy to talk to as you."

"You ok Jared? Usually you'd be making some snarky comments about something, but you sound kinda....depressed? Is something on your mind?"  Ugh why are people so good at noticing when I'm not feeling well?

"I'm fine, just tired." I hope the answer that I gave my mom will work on my ex-roommate. (Oh no "fuck you" just came on my playlist. Gots to get into that angsty mood I guess) Surprise, it did.

"Oh, ok. Just...call me if you need to talk or anything. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Ok. See ya later."

"See ya."

I hang up and sigh. Michael could definitely tell something was up. Fuck. I hear my mom call me down for dinner. Hopefully she won't ask why I have to go to the bathroom after every meal. But I mean, she's always been really oblivious, she's even worse then Jeremy, and that's saying something. I trudge down the stairs to the dinner table, where an amazingly smelling chicken sat.

Time skip to after dinner cause how the frig do you write dinner conversations 

After dinner I get up and mumble "Gotta pee." And run to the upstairs bathroom. I force myself to throw up everything I just ate, and after about 10 minutes of just sitting there I clean up and flush the toilet and walk back downstairs to sit down.

"You ok honey? You were up there for a while." My mom asks me

"Yeah...I just got a little distracted." I help my mom clean up, and I eventually head back upstairs to lay on my bed. My phone buzzes, and I check to see who texted me

Treeboi: my mom said you were back in town for winter break, did you want to meet up or something?

Wow this story is starting to get so cliche help. Also my writing sucks so sorry bout that

See ya later


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