9 - Evan

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ayy its thanksgiving break so im gonna be writing more to make up for being gone for so long

okay I just realized that idk how tf to write someone pining after someone else cause my aro/ace ass doesn't know how to love :')

so uh enjoy :D

Jared dropped me off at my house without a word. I walked in the front door and turned around just in time to see him drive off down the road. Of course my mom was there waiting for me in the kitchen, but based on the look on her face, I didn't look any calmer then I had when I left.

"What happened?" she asks, her arms crossed. Wow, straight to the point huh? I shrug, hoping to escape, but to no avail. "Come on, I can tell somethings wrong."

I take a deep breath, "I...uh.. I" I start tugging on the bottom of my shirt, fiddling with my hands, "I ran into Jared." she freezes. 

"Oh. Well, how did it go?" she questions. I stay silent. "Not good huh?" I shake my head. "You wanna talk about it?" I contemplate the question, before realizing that my mom is a great mom and I should just tell her.

I end up saying everything that happened, while she just hugged me, letting me vent. I stop after a while, and surprisingly I'm not crying. I guess it didn't affect me as I thought it did. I eventually went upstairs, leaving my mom to make me dinner. 

I open up my laptop and do random stuff for a few hours. I talk to Zoe and Alana, cause they're basically my only friends. I check my messages, seeing if Jared has said anything back. And, like every other day, he hasn't responded. I sigh, and my mind wanders to the events that took place earlier today. 

Finally seeing Jared after a year definitely felt amazing. He had the same soft hair, amazing eyes with that one brown spot in one eye. But something definitely felt off. Like how he seemed scared that I noticed he was thinner. Did I say something bad? Or maybe there was a different reason why he was thinner...

I'm just worrying too much. I guess seeing Jared made me on edge or something. I probably won't see him again during winter break. Unless my mom invites him over or something. But she wouldn't do that without asking me first. Right?

"Hey Evan," my mom walks into my room, looking guilty of something. This can't be good. "I just wanted to let you know that I invited the Kleinmans over for Christmas dinner." 





"O-oh, that's great" I say, forcing a smile. My mom does her classic smile, while also looking concerned at the same time.

"Oh, Evan, I know I should've asked you first, but I really feel like you and Jared need to make up." She smirked at me. Then she walked out the door. Friggin frick. Doesn't help that I told my mom about my crush on Jared in sophomore year and she's been trying to hook me up with him since. 

Oh yeah, forgot to mention I have a crush on the insanely cool Jared Kleinman. Oops. Well, there. I've been crushing on a meme for (aggressively searches up which year sophomore year is) almost 4 years. But it faded in senior year when I got a crush on Zoe, but ever since the fight, my feelings for Jared grew.

As much as I really want to see him again, I kinda don't. Cause I'm scared that he's gonna get pissed at me, or I'm gonna accidentally confess and then he'll call me a freak and leave.

Y'know. The usual.

I trudge down the stairs, to be greeted by the smell of Digiorno pizza, straight from the oven. I take a big s n o r f  and take a slice of the pizza. I let out a high pitched screech cause apparently my dumbass forgot that it was right out of the oven.

My mom stares at me, genuine concern displayed on her face.

"Are you okay? Like, mentally?" she asks, starting to crack up. I start laughing too, and eventually I start being a crack head and I start making random jokes.

Suddenly my mom goes all serious. "The pizza."

She grabs a slice and walks away.

okay so I was being serious but in case you couldn't tell, I just kinda gave up at the end oops

get ready for a lot more updates cause I have time offfff

See ya later

-jhvhgdyfduhgjhvxt ;P

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