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Oh no its me again.  welp these next two chapters are going to be flashbacks to the fight, each in different POVs sooo :P


My breathing was rapid and I could feel my anxiety start acting up. Which was odd, because lately I had been fine when it comes to anxiety. But after just getting confronted by Alana about the many lies I've made up, I feel like the newfound confidence just washed away. 

I shakily stagger up to Jared at the edge of the cafeteria, who is looking exceptionally pissed today. He's gripping the straps of his backpack really tightly, almost like if someone said one thing wrong, he was going to snap. So hopefully I don't say anything wrong. (Just you wait buddy-)  

"We need more emails. Emails showing he was getting worse." I quickly say. His face lights up for a quick second before going back to his normal sneer. He laughs. Why the hell is he laughing? "This isn't funny!"

"Oh, I think its hilarious. I think everyone would probably think it's hilarious." he states. This conversation definitely isn't going the way I thought it would. A few people are already stopping to stare, which is just making me hyperventilate more. Jared's smirk falls for a second, and he looks concerned. But just as quickly, he's back to somehow looking pissed yet amused at the same time.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, although I'm pretty sure I already know what he's talking about. 

"It means, you should remember who your friends are." He claims. I practically had to beg Jared to be my friend, and now he tries to stand here and threaten me and pretend like his feelings are hurt? He's even more manipulative than I thought. 

"I thought the only reason you ever talked to me was because of your car insurance." as soon as I say that, I see something break inside him. It's not very noticable, but I've known him long enough to see it. 

"So?" he says, shrugging. Then words start flying out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"It's very interesting." I say. He looks at me, visibly confused.

"What is?" He questions.

"Your 'Israeli girlfriend' and your 'buddies' from camp? I've never heard you once mention their names." I say, stepping towards him. Jared's smirk falters, but not for long. It's almost as if he was acting confident, but that can't be. He's Jared, Jared isn't scared of anything...right?

'I can if you want." He says, wiping something off his face. "What's your point?" I step even closer to him in a menacing way.

"Maybe the only reason you talk to me is because you don't have any other friends." He looks like he's trying to be pissed at me, but something is keeping him from being mad. He forces a smile, but I can tell it's fake. It almost looks like he's about to cry.

"I could tell everyone everything." He's bluffing. If I go down, he goes down with me.

I lower my voice so that the crowd forming around us can't hear what I'm about to say "Great. Go ahead. Do it. Tell everyone how you helped write emails pretending to be a kid who killed himself."

I regret the words as soon as they come out of my mouth, and I regret it even more when I see the look on Jared's face. Tears are streaming down his face, and his trademark smirk is completely gone. "Fuck you Evan, asshole." He yells while running off. The words had more bite then the delivery. 

For years I wondered what it would take to make Jared Kleinman speechless. I'm sorry I've stumbled upon the answer.

ok yeah so a lot of that was form the book but pshh who cares amiright?

anywho look forward to Jared's POV later today cause for some reason whenever I write I do two chapters at a time :P

See ya later

-jhvhgdyfduhgjhvxt :P

Car Insurance (Kleinsen) [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora