☆•Chapter 5 ~ I care•☆

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Marinette's POV
When I made it back to my bakery , I ran upstairs into my room and cried on my bed . "Marinette what was that ?" My spotted kwami asked me . "N-Nothing Tikki ... D-Don't w-worry ." I sobbed . "Oh Marinette ." Tikki whispered . Just then I heard a knock on my balcony trapdoor above me . I look up to see gorgeous green eyes looking down at me . I hesitantly opened my trapdoor as the black alley cat jumped in .
"Princess ? Why were you crying ?" He questioned . "Nothing . I'm fine ." I didn't want to tell him about my cuts because I didn't want him to worry about me . Not like he would anyways .
"Don't lie to me Mari . I'm worried about you . Now tell me . Why were you crying ?" He asked seriously . "I-I .." was all I managed to choke out before I broke down into sobs . Chat immediately pulled me into his arms . I cried into his leather suit . Just then I pulled away . Why is he being so nice ? Doesn't he hate me like everyone else ? This HAS to be a joke ! "Why are you being so nice ?!" I yelled at him , still crying my eyes out .
"Princess , because i ca-"
"No you don't ! Your lying to me ! Just get out !" I yelled .
"GET OUT !" I threw my sketch pad at him .
"Fine . If you don't want my help then don't have it ." He said and then left .
At that moment I realized I went to far . He WAS trying to help . 'Why am I such a fucking idiot'
I went in my bathroom and took the razor . I slid it across my arm .

Chat Noir's POV
Once I left Marinette's room . I felt guilt . I think I went to far knowing how emotional she's gotten . But she might need some space now so i'll visit her tomorrow . I jumped into my so called 'home' and de-transformed . Plagg looked at me with a serious look . "Kid . You went to far . You are one of the biggest idiots i've ever known ."
Why is he so serious ? Does he know something I don't ?
"I'm sorry Plagg it's just , She looked so mad at me . All I was doing was trying to help !" Plagg shook is little head . "She doesn't think that . Adrien , Marinette's depressed ."
My eyes widened . I was shocked . How could sweet , bubbly , kind Marinette become depressed over night ? Somethings up . Someone did this to her . "Why would she be depressed though ? And of COURSE I care ! She's my friend !"
// A/N - Keep saying that Adrien 🙄 //

"Kid , when people are depressed , sometimes they'll think others are pretending to care to hurt them or humiliate them . She was probably afraid . Maybe give her some time as Chat . But , you can always talk to her as Adrien ." Plagg said . "Wow i've never seen this side of you ..." I said stunned .
"Don't get used to it banana boy . Now give me camembert ." He replied .
I tossed him a wheel of camembert and flopped on my bed . Then realization hit me . Marinette's depressed . There was red stains on her sleeves .
"Princess ... No ..."
I KNOW someone did this to her .

And i'm going to find out who .

HIIIII !!!!! I finally updated (;
Plagg : Your last update was on September 15th .
Plagg : Hah ! You have to try camembert !
Oh HELLLLL nawhhh !
Plagg : Watch ur profanity young lady !

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