☆•Chapter 13 ~ Caught again•☆

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Chat's POV
In the middle of the movie I felt pressure on my shoulder and looked to find Marinette peacefully sleeping on my shoulder .
I couldn't help but notice how adorable she is .

I turn the movie off and slowly lay her down into a comfortable position on her bed . I cover her up and quietly make my way out her trapdoor .

Taking one last look at her sleeping body , I whisper , "Goodnight Princess ."

I make my way back home and jump into my window . "Plagg , Claws In ." A green light flashes as I de-transform and is now Adrien Agreste .

I jump into bed exhausted . Why do I keep thinking about Marinette . She's just a friend , I love M'Lady . Right ?

As I close my eyes , that bluenette makes her way into my head . I think back to the cuts on her arms and wonder how such a beautiful girl could harm herself . Wait , why do I keep calling her beautiful ? I mean , yeah she's really pretty , has beautiful deep blue ocean eyes , perfect smile , amazing personality-

What's happening to me .. am I catching feelings for her ? I can't be .. I'm in love with Ladybug !

I think ...

Next Morning~

Marinette's POV
I wake up noticing Chat left . I have to admit I wish he stayed but he probably had things to do . I'm not important anyways . I see I got a text from Alya .

Alya : Hey girl ! Wanna hang today ? It's sunday !

I thought back to Chloe's harsh words .

"Nobody wants you here"

Alya doesn't deserve a burden like me . She should find someone better .

Me : Sorry Alya , not today . I'm not feeling well

Alya : Do you need me to come over ?

Me : No it's okay !

Alya : Whatever you say ,
feel better girl !

I put my phone down and sigh . I look over to see Tikki still sleeping .

I slowly and quietly get out of bed and lock myself in the bathroom . I can't help but let a few tears slip while thinking about Chloe . She's so pretty and perfect and i'm just , me . Worthless .

I take a blade and pres it against my pale skin . Ew , I should stop eating . I slide it as the blood makes it's way out of my arm .

It stings but i don't care . I deserve it . I do a few more cuts before cleaning the blood not even bothering to bandage my arm up .

I come out of the bathroom . Tikki is still sleeping so I slip on a black oversized hoodie and just sit in bed .

When will I be okay ? When will I be happy ?

I thought about having a croissant for breakfast , but then I remember I should lose some weight . What's the point . I'm ugly anyways . Adrien would never like me .

I look up to find addicting green eyes looking down at me with concern . I open up my trapdoor as he makes his way in .

"Why were you crying ?" He asked with concern written all over his face . He rubs his thumb on my cheek . It made me slightly blush .

I look down and reply , "Nothing , don't worry about it ."

I look back up at him and notice his eyes are focused on something . I follow his eyes which lead to my wrist , which is showing a fresh cut from a few minutes ago .

"Marinette , what did you do ." He said sternly .

I look at him and see the anger in his eyes .

Next thing you know , I broke down .

"I can't do this anymore . I feel like i'm drowning and it hurts more and more each day . I wanna be happy like everyone else but I can't . I couldn't even hang out with my best friend because i'm so fucking worthless ! Why would anyone even want to be my friend I mean , I'm ugly , clumsy , annoying , and fat ! I'm an embarrassment and I don't deserve anything . I don't deserve you !"

As i realize what just came out , I look at Chat and see so much emotion on his face . But most of all , he looked hurt . I see his eyes filled with tears and he slowly shakes his head .

"Princess , Mari , your so much more than that . H-How could you think so low of yourself .. you deserve the world . You shouldn't feel this way at all . I'm always going to be here . No matter what ."

I was a sobbing mess . His words floated in my mind as he pulled me into a warm hug . He cared about me .

"Please stop hurting yourself , it hurts me more than it hurts you ." He said .

I pulled away from the hug and looked straight into his eyes . They looked so familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it .

"Sorry chat , but I can't ."

"Please Mari , please ."

He sounded so desperate . I kinda felt bad . I knew I couldn't stop but I hated seeing him like this .

"Okay , I'll stop ." I lied .

He smiled . "Thank you , Princess"

I felt bad for lying but I couldn't stand seeing him so hurt . It was just .. so sad .

He pulled me into another hug . I started blushing again , but why ? Why am I feeling this way ?

I love Adrien . Right ..?

YAYYY I UPDATEDDDD !!!!!! Okay i made this a little longer since i made y'all wait so long . Elearning has been stressful for me ! but thank y'all so much for the support ! Imma give shoutouts soon don't worry i didn't forget ! I love y'all so much , Stay safe please 🥰

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