☆•Chapter 9 ~ The Truth•☆

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Adrien's POV

Once I hear Marinette say that she lost me , I swear I felt my heart crack . "H-How did you lose him ?" I stuttered . I felt really bad for what I did now . "I-Its a long story .." She mumbled loud enough so I can hear . I sighed . "You can tell me anything Mari .. I'll be here for you . Always ." She looked up at me with a small smile that made my heart skip a beat . "I-I did something . Something that made him angry . H-He left me ... He just left .." Her eyes started to tear up a bit .   I pulled her into a hug and stroked her silky midnight blue hair . I need to apologize to her as Chat .

~Time skip - 6:34 pm~

Marinette's POV

I was currently in my room finishing Alya's dress . Just as I thought I was forgetting about the Chat situation , Tikki came up to me and asked , "Don't forget you have patrol with Chat Noir tonight !" I frowned as soon as his name came out of her mouth . Tikki gasped . "I'm so sorry Marinette ! I forgot about what happened .." She said guilty . "It's okay Tikki ." I faked a smile . I felt so many things i've never felt before . Hurt , sadness , loneliness . I sighed .
*Bzzt Bzzt*
I looked over at my phone to see who texted me .
BloggerAl : Hey girl ! u ok ? you've been acting different recently .

I didn't wanna tell Alya the truth because I didn't want to worry her .

Designer-nette : It's okay i'm fine ! Sorry just a lot on my mind .
BloggerAl: Ok gurl ! If u need someone i'm here !
Designer-nette : thanks Al !

I put my phone away and checked the time . It's 9:30 , time for patrol . "Tikki , Spots On ." I said not interested . After I transformed , I went to the Eiffel Tower to find Chat sitting down . I hesitantly walked over to him . "Chat ... are you okay ?" I asked . "I'm fine lets just start patrol ." He said bluntly . "Oka-" Before I could even finish my sentence , he went off with his baton . I sighed AGAIN and went off patrolling Paris .

About 2 hours later patrol was over and I went back into my room and de-transformed . I suddenly felt the urge to cry again when I heard 2 soft knocks on my trap door . I looked up and saw the familiar glowing green eyes . I slowly opened my trap door and went onto my balcony . "Mari I-" I cut him off by pulling him into a tight hug and bursting into tears . "N-Never leave me again !" I sobbed hard . He tightly hugged me back and calmly whispered , "I never left you Mari ... I'm right here ..." He pulled away . "Marinette ." He said seriously . I looked up at him . "yes ..?" I replied in a soft whisper . "I need you to tell me who's hurting you ." He told me sternly . I knew I couldn't lie to him . "I-Its ..." I took a pause .

"Chloe Bourgeois ...."

HEYAAAA !!! Im sorry I made you wait so long but just a heads up ... the next chapter will be kinda depressing . Well really depressing . But im not spoiling it tho ! Bye lovelies !!!


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