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The sky was usually always black. No light, no life, no stars. No stars that danced, and twinkled in the sky. No stars. No life.

I've never seen anything besides the pitch black sky or the red tinted light that purred restlessly outside my surroundings. Oh, and the ground. The ground used to be very cold. Very, very cold for a very very long time. I wouldn't shiver though. I wouldn't move at all, actually. I don't ever move.

I don't ever see.

I don't really care.

Warmth came slowly as the light faded yet again. It was nice. Comforting. I saw myself shift in the shadows, but didn't feel a muscle. I looked up: darkness. Looked down: more darkness. Side to side: even more darkness.

"You are dying," said a heavy smooth voice. It disturbed my coziness.

I'm not dying.

"You can't understand me, huh?"

I can. I can understand you.

"You probably can't hear me either," said the voice. It's heaviness grew closer.

I can. I can hear you.

"But it's okay," said the voice, " it doesn't make much of a difference."

What do you mean?

It was silent. The heavy voice was gone. I was alone again. Alone in the starless sky.

The quiet would soon drive me crazy.

Silence seemed long, once you knew there can be sound.

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