Chapter Three

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"ah Jarred Frost quite a pleasure,"Hades looked at Ruby's brother protective stance.
"Save it,if it's anything to do with my sister stay the fuck off," Hades actually respected the way Jarred Frost was protective over his sister but time was over. His protection would be useless. Ruby Frost was now his.
"What's going on here?"Jacob Frost cut in. Ah and the wretched game begins.
"Can I talk to you,Mr Frost,it concerns your daughter."
"Dad,he wants to take Bunns out and his intentions is not noble at all, don't let him," he chuckled under his breath so he wasn't the only clueless member of this family. He had no idea that their Ruby will leave with him with little chance of ever coming back.
"I'm sorry but I want no man anywhere close to my daughter," Jacob stood his ground. He stared at Ruby
"Can't she speak for herself?" Ruby gave him a look. Anger flashed in her eyes...
"We know what's best for her, Bunns isn't interested in you or anything you have to offer" Jarred put in. Ruby rolled her eyes. She obviously couldn't be allowed to think or decide for herself. Their protectiveness was all nice and truly respected but he had no time for this bullshit.
"Mr Frost,I want to talk to you and you will decide if you'll allow me to take your daughter or not,"
Ruby watched the stranger take her dad aside suspiscion nagged her as she tried to follow with her eyes where they had disappeared to. Probably his dad's office. Why would a man risk a simple date with her? Her dad had a reputation of chasing away any prospect suitor that showed an interest in her. For goodness sake will no man ever be good enough for her. He bet her dad was chewing Hades innards by now.. dishing any insult he could think of. It's not that she didn't think the stranger could hold his own...he obviously wore it like a second skin. However her dad where a man and her was put in the same sentence was unacceptable. He was irrational and he would pounce on the said men blowing up egos till they gave up realising it wasn't worth it. She would probably die a spinster at this rate...she was sure if she could round up enough cats her image would be complete. Spinsters and cats. Sounded just about right. She wanted to laugh. This Hades was wasting his time...might as well start leaving.
"I can't believe this...that.. that man wants to take you out,"
"You are still ranting about this?"she arched a brow.
"No,did you see the way he looked at you! like some ice cream he wants to eat," Jarr was obviously frustrated at this new development but she was blushing at the thought of being considered like ice cream. Anyway the ranting went on. He isn't good for you,he should be ashamed of himself,who does he think he is. She held her arms around herself praying Jarr would just shut up. And you how could you look at him like that. I saw that look you wanted to jump him. Just because a man has given you attention doesn't mean you get ready to be on your back and spread your legs. Oh hell no! He could rant curse that Hades to hell and back but no way was he getting away with saying such shit about her.
"Oh you wanna go there,Jarr you really want to go have slept with nearly half of females in New York and you will basically shrivel at the mention of celibacy and a man has simply shown interest in me you are so hung up in blowing everything out of proportion,it's not like he offered a marriage proposal."
"No don't say a word I'm not a fucking robot Jarr I was attracted to him but I haven't said anything about it or reciprocated his invite because I know if not you then dad will go berserk,"she replied feeling the farmiliar wash of anger and she forcefully swallowed it down. She had a great deal of things to say but this wasn't exactly the time and place. Being rich meant paparazzi... meaning tabloids would spin such a wild tale that  would decorate huge glossy pages of gossip magazines and the image of her family and empire had to be maintained.
"Not another word out of you,"
"I'm sorry Snow I just don't like this guy anywhere near you–"
She snorted,"you don't like any guy around me."
"That's true but something about this Hades guy doesn't feel instincts are never wrong."
"Instinct or not dad won't allow it,"Jarr nodded his agreement.
"There they come,"Jared whispered. Ruby stared at her father...his face looked ashen.
Hades smiled truimphantly at her,circled her wrist and pulled her to his side. He then caressed the side of her face.
"Guess what,you will be coming with me," Hades uttered. She gaped and Jarr lost it.
"Dad, what the fuck why are you letting him take her?" Jacob sighed looking defeated... crushed.
"Yes,she can go with him,"he looked despaired.
"Dad,it's obvious you don't want this I won't go if you are not okay with this,"she clipped in.
"It doesn't matter she isn't going anywhere with him besides we had plans,"Jarr added.
"He's right dad," she added.
Hades cut in ignoring them both.
"Say your goodbyes...Ms Frost," something unsaid in that statement made her shiver.
",why are you allowing this,"Jacob allowing her to leave with a man,especially a stranger unreal.
"He said something to you,he threatened you, didn't he?"
"Hey watch it, I won't take any more insults from you...Ms Frost is coming with me want it or not isn't that right Mr. Frost?" Her dad nodded. There was something clearly wrong in the picture because she wasn't getting it. He had a leash on her dad...she had to find out!
"Please just go with him Snow,"her dad pleaded. He reached out to hug her, "please don't hate me for this." Jacob whispered for her ears alone.
"I can't accept this!"
"Well your approval matters little to me,"Hades told Jarr.
"We had plans..."
"It's time to let her go,"the message sounded crypted to her ears,"Jarr she is all grown up now I have to accept this." Jarr gaped at Jacob. What! Did she fall asleep somewhere and ended up dreaming?
"Tell your brother goodbye we have to get going,"Hades said to her.
"Jarr...I will go with's just for a few hours," Hades didn't want to correct her... if she could calm her idiotic brother he would let her otherwise he considered putting a bullet between Jarred Frost eyes.
"Fine...I love you,take care if anything happens call me,"he took Ruby in a hug,darting his eyes to him,"Hades or whoever you are let's be clear I will never like you."
"That goes both ways,"
"If anything happens to my sister I will kill—"
"It's best you don't interfere Jarred,"Jacob Frost was wise. He understood what would happen. Jarred Frost was clueless... no fucking clue what he will be up against was way bigger than he thought. Ruby siddled to his side. He placed a hand at the middle of her back as he led them out. He led them towards his Harley Davidson bike sleek and black decorated like with punk and metal. He had an aversion to them. However bikes were efficient in navigating through the city traffic. Besides being a Black learning to drive every single machine was a part of an intense training he had to go through. As he swung his one leg over to straddle the bike seat he realized Ruby had stopped... pale faced. He snapped his fingers
"Come along Ms Frost,"
"I'm not comfortable climbing that death trap,"she told him as she moved backwards. Well you and me both. He thought. However,his patience was running thin,he had no time for this, she tripped and quite ungracefully fell. Served her right. He stepped off the bike and  lifted her in his arms as she protested.
"Let me go,"
"I can't do that,"he stated a fact in which she would find out soon enough. Swinging her body onto  the seat he was grateful  her dress had a slit allowing her to straddle the bike. He quickly sat in behind her efficiently trapping her. He sticked the key in the ignition,revved the engine and pulled the bike on a quick start in the same space since Ruby was trying to fight and climb off.
Survival instincts made her struggle stop. He drove fast...
As he said he had no time for bullshit. It suddenly became clear to Ruby they weren't stopping anywhere close.
"Where are we going?"
"The airport,"
"What! This... doesn't feel right at all"
"Well tough luck, love,"it suddenly became clear he had an English accent.
"You aren't from New York are you,"
"No,"he replied honestly.
"Where are you taking me?" she hated the quiver in her voice.
"As I said the airport..."
"For a date?" That sounded ridiculous even to her own ears.
"Of course darling, because that's what people go to the airport to do,"he replied sarcastically.
"I'm not going anywhere with you I know you told my dad something to make him stop this death trap right now,"she hoped her voice sounded fierce but it was only by the barest fraction while the rest was racked in fear.
"It's quite cute you think I will listen to you but time is up Ms Frost you have to pay for the curse your ancestors caused."
"I don't understand,"
"And I don't blame you, your father had kept you so deep in the dark that you are so fucking clueless and naiîve,"Ruby had no idea what he was talking about but she knew she had to escape. She had a feeling what was in store in her future was coloured in darkness...she knew a little about bikes from her fashion designing where she'd sought design inspired by bike models. She pressed hard on the clutch then the brake sending the bike to a sudden stop it nearly fell over but she dismounted in time before Hades could catch her and she ran in the opposite direction and with a sinking realisation they were in the middle of a deserted street. Dirty alleyways...smell of drug abuse and danger. She was petrified.  this wasn't those streets that welcomed women at night... But  a nagging feeling that this place was way better than Hades made her run faster. Fear Hades will catch her fuelled her speed. But at the worst possible moment she stumbled. Hearing steps behind her she managed to get up but the sound of a gun cocking.
"Make another step,I will lodge a bullet in your skull," Hades facade was gone that flawless gentlemanly speech gone and there his english voice full of chills and ghosts threatened her.
She turned around to face him hands up in surrender.
"If you truly wanted to you could have done it,"
"It's true but I'm at the end of my patience Ms Frost what I want won't matter,"he looked dead serious,"I want to be civilised but you are seriously pissing me off."
"I don't want to go with you,"she shouted.
"We don't always get what we want now,do we?"Hades chuckled darkly,"I will tell you this only once,you are coming with me and you aren't going back,meaning I'm kidnapping you taking you away or whatever you call it."
"What do you want with me?"
"Aah you will find out soon Ms Frost," he took a step forward while she made hers backwards.
"What did you tell my father, Jarred won't let you get away with this,"
"Good,since we are talking about those particular men in your life...if you don't come with me right now I have them watched and one call I can order them killed," Ruby gaped.
"You are bluffing"
"Did you just call me a liar?"the dark look on his face showed offense. He pulled out his phone. She panicked and in a way she knew this wasn't a joke.
"Fine I will come with you,"she lifted her hands in surrender and walked towards him. Once she was within touching distance he grabbed her close and grabbed her chin.
"That's the fucking last time you run is that clear," she didn't reply because if she had a chance to escape she would grab it with both hands. He didn't let go seeing defiance in her eyes but the strangest thing happened when his eyes fell onto her lush red lips. An unholy thought skipped through her mind. Her hatred was clear but she wouldn't mind a kiss from him. An urge to slap herself right there over took her. He had noticed her train of thought but didn't mention it. He grabbed her and gruffly placed her across the pillion while he straddled the front.
"Will they live?"
"If you obey me...yes,now enough talking, put your hands around me or else you'll fall off,"
She obeyed and circled her hands somewhere around his midriff.

*****#black frost trilogy ✨ 🖤♥️
Ruby is starting to understand that Hades has a far more sinister plan as he steals her away from her world... Can you guess what it is????!!  Find out next♥️🖤♥️🖤✨

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