Chapter Nine

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She'd gracelessly walked into the bedroom from a steaming bathroom. Her long hair hang on one side as she tried to towel it dry. Hades was never attracted to Ruby, even when he looked through magazine covers. She always stood like a fading shadow between Jarred and Jacob Frost. She never appealed to him. She was curvy with high plush breasts he preferred slim athletic bodies. One thing he at least liked was her long hair. Discovering her wildness didn't end in her hair was a big mistake on his part because as she looked up to find him staring he fought the blood in his brain from going straight to his dick. He wanted her to fear him. She only cared about her modesty not that she'll have any in a few minutes. Ruby however didn't tremble when she saw him...her voice didn't quiver when she even spoke back. It drove him mad because one part of him wanted to pounce on her this instant. Her attitude and fight was better than any foreplay. But another part would only prove his flaws to Thorne to handle a little Ms Frost. He couldn't let the latter happen.
"I need clothes,coffee and–" she'd really closed the distance between them. Unbelievable!
"What happened in the barn has truly made you think you can even order me Ms are coming with me for your initiation,"she didn't tremble,she didn't cry, he'd hoped she would ran away in fear but she only had resignation. He wanted her fear but she kept surprising him. Grabbing her arm he pulled her from the room and led her across the hallway...towards a wing that headed straight to the corner where the dining room was. Pulling the doors open he pushed her inside. She froze as expected. Her fear diluted the strength she'd recently gathered. As her eyes raked quietly across the room. Everyone stared at her,she quivered and he smirked...
"Hades, please I can't do this,not with all of them–"her voice quivered in fright.
"Fine, don't do this but along with your death right now, Jacob and Jarred will want that?"silence. He didn't think so. He hated her weakness. How she could be easily manipulated using her family. He was trained to stand alone even surrounded by his siblings,they could only see each other as contenders. Raking his eyes around the black diamond brothers all the most trusted in the MC were here except for Pierce,Claw and Dagger who watched Jacob and Jarred Frost from doing anything stupid.
"You can't win Ms Frost and this is what I was telling you,"
"Please I'll behave just don't allow this,"she begged and at that moment without the heavy makeup she had the day before she looked younger. A pity,but he had no compassion whatsoever.
"Do you want this to end quickly,do everything I ask and it will, don't disobey me,"
She fought tears in her eyes as she looked across the table.
"Please,"okay her begging was starting to get on his nerves. Hades couldn't believe he actually wished she was defying him right now.
"Lose the towel Ms Frost" the order made her clutch even tighter and higher.
"Don't make me ask you twice,I'm trying to make it easier for you and besides there is no other outcome I can enlist help–"
"I'll do it,"after a long contemplation she finally loosen her hold and the towel fell off her body. His body tightened.He stared,her breasts we're medium sized high ,plump and rounded. Her pussy was neatly maintained. He hadn't thought she would for someone so inexperienced. bald with a neatly trimmed curls above the apex. Then bruises all over her body. He poked one purple harsh bruise.
"Who did this?"she crossed her legs together and folded her hands across her breasts.
She choked on a forced laughter.
"Not who... but what,the perils of klutziness,"
"Enough drama Hades it's time to ensure our guest is properly attired,"Thorne called out making Ruby freeze. Walking towards an adjointing room...a kitchen he picked up the scrap of clothes and walked back to a scared Ruby. She wanted to run the way she shifted her weight from foot to foot. He took advantage of her fear to slap a maids cap on her wet hair.
"Put your hands to the side,"she hesitated... making him growl a warning. She finally placed her hands to the side. Tying the black apron around her neck he slapped her hands away when she attempted to cover herself. It was a silly excuse of covering. The apron,black with snow white Lacy trim. It was low enough to push up her breasts on display and high it would flash her pussy if she walked. Spinning her around. He grimaced at more bruises.
"Hold up your hair,"she obeyed this time. Good girl. He tied the ties at her lower back.
"Why?"she stared at him,"is this a game to you?"
"No joke Ms Frost,we are deadly serious,you should be aware of that by now,"he replied.
"Her gift...Des,"Thorne reminded. Hades walked towards the table and picked the jewel from a black box and strode back to Ruby.
"Do you know what this is?"he smiled as she gawked at the black collar encrusted with solid black diamonds and a single pure diamond in the middle,240 carrats,six hundred million pounds. It was in their family since the first payment of debts. A Frost heirloom. Now it was Ruby's turn. She froze as he placed the collar round her neck. Moving from her front to her back. "We sweetly call it The Frostbite...catchy isn't it,it was made in our mine,since the first debt"he smirked as the clasp slid in place. An irreversible clasp. Her breath hitched as he grabbed her hair by the nape and whispered softly.
"And there is only one way to take it off,"
"Enough playing Hades bring her here," Ruby forced her legs to move as Hades pulled her forward. She felt the weight of the diamonds round her neck. She wore millions. Something supposed to make her feel flawless choked in its icy beauty. Only one way to get it off...Hades was serious. They would be no sawing it off or picking the lock. She would be beheaded. She collared her throat fear choking her raw and real. Trying to unsuccessfully pry it off. This was real. Ruby admitted...she was weak,she didn't want to die. She couldn't do it, not for her family not for anyone. An unwanted respect for the Blacks unfolded. This were men who didn't show they were untouchable. They were truly untouchable.
"I was wrong about you,"she glared at Hades. Ice slithered around him...colder. He didn't look guilty or even remorseful. It was as if what he did was acceptable. Expected even.
"Of course you were, I've been nothing but clear and honest it was you who decided to create a fantasy out of me," she glanced ahead. She didn't how many men were at the long table but she felt their eyes. None of their gazes met hers, only focused on the parts the ridiculous apron pretended to hide. Parts she would ship cloth materials to cover.
Mr Black was utterly ridiculous in a red tweed suit...he stubbed the cigar he'd been smoking in a small ash tray and placed the glass of vodka on the table before staring at her.
"The Bite..."he smiled at the diamonds round her neck,then gazed at Hades,"did you tell it's now around her neck?"
Hades silently cursed,"I forgot."
"You should have explained it to can you forget," Hades gritted his teeth but didn't reply.
"Ruby,we follow strict rules and just as you endure an inheritance of the debt curse so is the collar,the last person who wore it was your mother," Her stomach coiled.
"Ruby Snowbunny,what are you wearing?" She had raided her mother's closet,her large red dress, her huge black stilletoes,her jewelries and had proceeded to paint her face with make up which was a mix of this and that. She glanced at her mom with a smile.
"I'm dressed like you Mommy,"and her mom had shook with laughter,"Ruby had felt fabulous...for a six year old
"Come here you silly bunny,"as she ran into her arms with a smile.
"When I become a big girl I will wear your things so I can be pretty like you Mommy."
"You are pretty you silly girl but of course you will wear everything of mine."
As she blinked to the present she bowled in grief. Her hatred had managed to block good memories of her mom. She'd been here alone. She even recalled she'd returned one last time she had this diamond collar too and she'd shied from hugging her. Guilt and regret swarmed her. She broke Hades hold as dizziness swarm over her eyes and she fell at his feet and a sickening wash of liquid filled her mouth making her vomit on Hades shoes. Hades moved back disgusted. "Fuck!"It wasn't a lot since she hadn't eaten so she had basically dry heaved. However, she should have seen it coming, when his palm bruised her cheek. The impact was a painful hit and she struggled not to curl herself up and cry. She hadn't been hit in  her life home. Where a word of reprimand would have made her crash in tears,she was actually holding up better than she thought. His slap was nothing like Chaser in the car. This came from a dark place of abuse... endless darkness,where he kept a tight lid on his inner turmoil. Hades might be calm and collected on the outside but deep on the inside reigned a man. A man with emotions. A monster as a guise.
"You will clean that up!"he ground out as he pulled her to her feet and Thorne went on unmoved as if she hadn't just been hit a few seconds ago. 
"That's right Ruby,dear I had it removed from your mother's neck,"her feet almost collapsed at the cruel coldness of Mr Black but Hades held her up then pushed her forward towards Thorne relinquishing power over to him It was one thing to be at the cruelty of Hades but being left at the calm wickedness of
Thorne Black filled her body with chills. She thought she could remain aloof and cold but it seemed they wanted her present, broken and despaired.
"Be obedient, don't talk back...Don't embarrass me Ms Frost,"Hades glared and she could only scream in  her head. Devil!son of darkness! embarrass him? He thought she wanted to dance to his tunes. She would survive the Blacks for herself. She would endure their torture games even if it killed her. Crooking a finger, Thorne pulled her legs to move towards him and pulled her on his lap. Ice flowed in her veins as his obvious arousal pressed on her naked ass. Hades stood beside Thorne's chair and glared. Thorne hands skated down her arms and clasped her thigh in a caress. She was determined to be strong and unfeeling and she passed.
"You dear are the seventh Frost to be taken...every firstborn girl of Frost before you has been here,"
"Why do this, there is no law that would accept this,you took me from my home just to enjoy ruining my life,"
"You don't think we follow the strictest law just to implement this,rest assured we have stamps of approval because with the same jewels around your neck we have bought the law,bribed the highest ministers even royalty when it comes down to a little handful of diamonds everyone has a price...who can resist diamonds?" Mine...they have a diamond mine the collar of diamonds came from their mine! Their power could overthrow any position above them. This wasn't just beasts. They wore suits and had not only money but diamonds...she however failed to understand one thing why was her father a Frost if it was her mother's last name? She thought if a woman married a man her last name belonged to the man. Don't ask! Don't ask!
"What is it,Ruby?" The question must have been on her face. She had a chance. She needed to know.
"Why didn't my mother change her last name once she married?"
"I see my son has been undoubtedly useless in enlightening you," Thorne threw a viscious look,"what have you been exactly doing Hades? Did you forget this too? How will we move if you're insisent on keeping her in the dark!"Hade didn't  reply but his dark anger was in his eyes.

******* Blackfrost series✨♥️🖤
Finally Ruby is about to find out the truth,the reason for her presence at Owl's Cove... Find out up next!🖤❤️✨

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