chapter eleven

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Dessert. The next course. Blood curdled in her veins as white fear paled her veins.
"Read, girl and get to the next course,"Mr Black commanded with a look of impatience.
She gazed at the paper. Wiping the haze of tears that attempted to to flow.
Alexander Frost hereby accepts the Court's ruling and ordered to action demands above thereby formulated by Thatcher Black in this very chamber,the death warrant will be eradicated and destroyed upon signature of the newly drafted document on the condition and terms forthcoming... Which document?which terms?she looked up and knew the next round would be hell. She hardly survived this round... Tears won't be permitted. It's what they craved,they wanted her weak and crying. How could she allow her body to fall prey to their mindfuckery as they suckled her breasts her body had turned acceptive. She hated her inexperience and hormones that only demonstrated her body was weak to the ministration done upon her. It complied even if her mind and soul cried against everything.
Snapping his fingers,"get on with it Ms Frost,"Hades commanded. Anger made its way admist the grief. Lulling her in a blanket of rage and promises of retribution. I will make you care Hades. I will make myself strong. I will pleasure you and then...I will kill you. In her reckless fury she embraced the warmth that promised to chip that ice Hades. She will melt ice after ice of it's owner. She traded her fear for the new strength. She will overcome this and become stronger. Grabbing cheese cakes,muffins,eclairs,pie and more she stacked them on another tray. She walked on wobbly legs but managed to stay balanced. If she could only make it past chance. He grabbed her arm obviously he couldn't help but crave to torture her some more.
"If you do this I will reward you,"his coldness had thawed a little and she stared at the rare spectacular glimpse of the man who didn't exist in her eyes,"I will make it all go away."he said it and meant it. it was in the darkness of his eyes. "The offer only stands if you don't speak,act out or disobey,I will be kind Ms Frost because you deserve it," How will you make it go away?she glared her reply...she didn't see how this mind games where she was sampled over and over by the men of this table leaving the deepest corners of her mind. She was not only being subject to physical torture but also mental. She would probably burn in hell right now for allowing this. For gathering strength to get involved rather than attempting to run. All because she wanted to win. To be victorious not their victim. He let her go and pushed her to serve the head member of the table. He grabbed the last piece of the parchment. He dangled it like bait between his fingers and he gestured for her to come closer. Leaving the tray on the table she grabbed the last piece with trepidation.
Alexander Frost and family owing to their attrocities acknowledge and accept the condition drawn by Thatcher Black,in accordance to the law both parties agree that the agreement is legally binding,incontestable and unbreakable hence now and forever. Details and Signatures of both parties have been verified in the enclosed document hence known as the Blackfrost debtcurse. If she only had more to read,if only she could trade a little time to give up this charade of obedience. She wanted to scream. Scream at the words on the parchment at this document that only sowed the truth about the blacks. They had rights... rights to get away with it...with everything they have done to women before her. She also wanted to wither up and die because her time was up. She knew what was coming. It wasn't right but they we're right. It was wrong but they proved her wrong. Too many feelings to sensor,Too many wrongs and rights to process. Too many unaswered questions. Will you give up now? A question shot up in her mind. Will you allow that parchment to justify their actions? She had an answer. She couldn't. This monsters killed her mother,took her from her dad. They were justifying their need to hurt. She thought she could accept,she could be understanding. More confusion buried her. She had to endure this. Squaring her shoulders,she moved towards Me Black without being asked. He smiled.
"Such a good girl,"he clapped,"You are proving to be a testament of Hades training and you unbelievably passed, even your mother hadn't done quite elegantly," bowing his head a little he grabbed her waist her. Her waist height almost a perfect ratio for a lowered mouth to latch onto her pussy. That was when she felt the most alluring,wettest and most disgusting thing in her life. Thorne licked her. His tongue sliding along her clit. She waited her body to betray her. To enjoy this but all she felt was impatience the urge to get it over with quickly. And soon it was. She waited for the disgusting element to leave her didn't. Her first experience with the tongue down there it had to be done by someone older than her father. There was nothing sexy or erotic about it. It only left a bitter taste in her mouth. If she had anything left in her stomach she probably would have thrown up all over his precious suit.
"Go on,"he tapped her ass. She walked over to the tattooed man gulping down that bitter taste he picked a couple of sweets and a muffin. He proceed to lick her folds his beard ticklish between her thighs. Moving to the next and next...the disgust switch to annoyance. Glad she didn't enjoy it. Some forced her legs wide to taste other a small lick of gratitude. Their behavior grated her nerves because her mind couldn't fathom why they didn't hurt her. They were nothing but respectful tasting and that annoying reply to everything after."thank you Ms Frost,"as if this was normal and acceptable. It burned out her hatred and rage and turned it to acceptance.
By the time she reached Chaser she was wet. Drenched between her legs. Droplets of the black diamond brotherhood matted the hair she meticulously maintained there. They had won. They made her react. She was soaked. The ache Hades had conjured in the barn returned with vengeance. She had to fight her hips from pushing into their mouths because it was about getting rid of the ache. Chaser pushed back curling hands round her hips. His nails tore painfully into them.
"Fuck the goddamn rules!"he pushed her back on the table with a firm hand. He wasn't respectful or playful like the rest of the men at the table. He harshly grabbed her breast as he leaned between her legs. He knew what he wanted and he took. Hard. Sucking her clit painfully, he then drew his tongue attempting to enter her folds. She cried out panicked. None had done that. She fought him. They always tasted but never attempted to actually enter . She couldn't look at the men who watched. She couldn't look at the man above her who growled low and silent. The growl resonating with knowledge. Hades.
Chaser attempted again but hands grabbed him away from her. Fuck the goddamn rules? There were rules? Rules that protected her even in her ruination? Mr Black mentioned they followed the strictest law while stripping her of rights. Immediately hand circled her wrist as he dragged her off the table with lack of decorum. The silver tray crashed on the floor with a loud cymbal ,abandoned. Her legs collided and pushed her into the arms of the man she had hours ago been intimate with. The ache intensified. He dragged her to the other edge of the table opposite Thorne Black. He shoved a parchment into her hands. It was the largest and it was the only one that hadn't been on the table. Hades had it all along.
"Read it Ms Frost,"his face tight and unreadable. His cold ice lashed around him but he looked pissed, barely hinged rage that stemmed from emotions than control and it buffeted her. It wound her body tight despite his ice made goosebumps decorate the skin of her arms.
Breathing hard to ignore the cool stickiness of his brother's saliva between her legs, she accepted the document but she still stared at Hades. His ice was still rock solid around him but something else was there as well. Whatever games they had played in the certainly wasn't over. He knew it, she knew it. He scowled, leaning close he hissed," I believe I asked you to read,stop staring at me." Darting her glance at the document,
Intricate filigreed designs at the edges caught her eye. Bolded words like owned and indebted were next.
Signed and witnessed by Esquire Greggory Thompson.
A contest of wills,the house of Black vs the house of Frost.
As witnessed in the chamber ,the signatures of both parties in this drafted document and their entourage whence known as the Blackfrost debtcurse
The debt states that,
Alexander Frost solemnly oaths to present his first born girl,Natalia Frost to the first born son of Thatcher Black known as Hansen Black as payment to nullify the unrest and unpleasantries of such a time and until thereafter,a first born girl of the Frost will be presented to the first born boy of the Black when a new generation come upon. This document not only binds participants of 1670 but hereafter. The current Black will determine the attributes and fate of the Frost and this makes them above the law operating by the grace of her majesty the Queen of England
Hades knew when she read the last word. When it all sank in. She was starting to understand. They had the ultimate approval. Signed and sealed by the royal government. The judicial law stood no chance against them. They also had wealth and power. There was nothing to fight against the sooner she accepted her fate the better. The visible horror in her eyes was enough to drag a little humanity from him. He backed her against the table.
Honestly seeing her being sampled by the brotherhood pissed him off. His father permitting it made anger sizzled his veins. She was his to torment. His toy. They had no right to drink from someone's misery that should have been a Black affair. Except for his younger asshole of her brother he could eat shit. He had no right to put his tongue in Ruby. That was his place. As he pushed her almost flat stomach on to the table she didn't fight but pressing her to lie flat she resisted. She couldn't fight his strength so she caught her weight on her elbows. She refused to lie down. She would. His cock bruised itself on his belt. Only he knew how she tasted when she she sounded and only he knew how tight she was. That tightness belonged to him. He had the scroll granting him that power. No one was permitted close to her up until he had his dick deep in her. He doubted she could take half of it. But until he had the pleasure of trying it was uncontestable even against his father. The anger still pulsed around him at the reminder of his brother attempting to stick his tongue in his territory. Only he could have that. He would. Hades knew she ached the way she scissored her legs. He couldn't have that, so he stood between her legs. She had done a good job despite how hard she fought herself to disobey. She truly deserved a reward.
"You finally understand,"his voice thick with lust. Shit! He teetered on dangerous edge. The ice that flowed in his veins was diluted by the heavy haze of lust. Pull back! He couldn't. It corrupted his mind and her whorish displays at the barn came with a visious reminder of how she bounced on his was his purpose to take her to the edge heal her and make her subservient to do as I asked.
"I'm not your owner or your master but you are mine. I'm the man who decides your fate, you don't breathe unless I permit it,you don't move unless I ask,with one simple answer...yes" his touch started at her throat caressing down her belly then stopping at her hip. Ruby stiffened to a plank darting her gaze upward. Locking her gaze with the ornate ceiling.
"Look at me!"His voice was harsh and barbaric beneath it's calm refinement,"has it sunk that I own you that I can do anything I want to you?"she remained silent. Just like she had been told. She was blissfully quiet, obedient. She couldn't admonish or argue. She deserved a fucking reward for keeping it together. He knew she was close to losing her mind. He wasn't so heartless to ignore the confusion and ache she suffered. He shifted her higher on the table slapping away the support of her elbows as her spine crashed against the table. She cried out then hissed her panic as he opened her legs wide. He tried to hold back. He didn't want an audience. Fuck it! Her pussy glistened not from saliva but arousal. Arousal for him. Arousal he intended to take advantage of. Grabbing a glass of wine from a diamond brother nearby he poured against her pussy. She cried out and tried to scissor her legs but he wouldn't let her move. The wine trickled red through her dark curls pooling beneath her but it wasn't enough. At least it washed away some of the spit she'd endured from the men of the table. Hooking hands beneath her hips he smirked devilishly at her...

******Blackfrost series.❤️🖤✨
You can probably guess what Hades intends to do,don't you?
but do find out 🖤❤️✨

BLACK LIKE HADES(Black Frost Series#1)//COMPLETED//Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ