Chapter Four

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They reached the airport.  The JFK to be precise. However Hades parked at a petrol station further away. He then grabbed her roughly as soon as she dismounted. She wouldn't escape easily. A clear sign he had an idea of her intentions. He grabbed his cellphone and spoke to someone called Pierce...
"Meet us the petrol station with everything as planned," Ruby looked at him really looked. Hades was nothing short of good looking actually that was a big understatement... He looked like someone that had stepped out of the pages of a GQ wasn't fair she had this unreasonable attraction to him that made her want to gorge her eyes out. She knew this wasn't a man but a monster. Even without the knowledge or clue of what was to happen to her. She just knew that underneath the layer of suits and fair skin lay an entity of darkness.
"We'll need a room close by to sit out while we wait for our flight can you arrange that...thank you Pierce,"said Hades as he tapped his cell phone to end call. He looked at her for the longest time then put out his hand.
"Your," no,he wouldn't," don't make me tell you twice."
Defeated she placed it in his hands.
"I hate you,"she told him while he just shrugged.
"Well I don't love you either sweetheart,"he checked her phone and it just registered that he knew her password. What else did he know?
"How long ago did you plan for this?"
"Since you were born,"he stated as a matter of fact and so casually one might think they were discussing the weather.
"What?"she stared at him shellshocked he simply gave her a dark smile while caressing her cheek.
"Ignorance is bliss but I bet you want to know everything, be patient little Ms Frost you will get all your answers,"he kissed her cheek. It might have looked something affectionate to an outsider but it was a taunt...he pitied her. She didn't think she could hate Hades all the more.
"Now what would miss Frost want to do in her last night home because trust me you won't be back for a pretty long time,"she glared at him...
"Can I go home?"
"Can I have my phone back?"
"Nope found something very interesting, who's Fox28 and you have been emailing him a lot."
"None of your business,"
"Well Ms Frost I will make it clear to you right belong to me, everything that you have is mine,you are my possession and  have no rights whatsoever to deny me,so best believe the fact you are breathing is my business."
"Fuck you!" He glared at her as if she was nothing but dirt on his shoes.
"Ms Frost I won't take insults from someone like you and it isn't above me to use my hand to discipline you,"he wasn't joking.
"You would hit a woman?"
"If you are trying to figure me out don't waste your time,"was she deluded to hope he had a sliver of humanity?she wouldn't be above guilt tripping him to let her go. Hades was impenetratable...he hid his emotions well and so rarely it was on his face. A cool icy and thick shell surrounded him. No trace of humanity in his emotions.
"I don't want to be here,"
"Neither do I!"he slipped. Shit! How had he revealed that. She sucked her breath catching on quickly. Hades was coming to learn that although Ruby was clueless she wasn't stupid and she learnt fast. She picked at his emotions until he felt like a balloon with one prick of her needle he would burst. He thrived being in control and being impartial to any emotion that made him human. She tested him..He had worn coldness like a cloak to have this woman break his ice. She was born to ancestry of wickedness that had to be purged with the death of the first born girl of the Frosts. It was her fault...who asked her to be born. Hades knew how irrational he sounded in his mind but he needed anger to cultivate his ice. If he ever lost his ice he knew just knew his dad Thorne Hawk Black would look at him like a disability. He would be dealing with a bullet to his brain...or worse torture after torture and he shivered as memories of him as a boy and a particular barn of pain. The ice returned. She touched his arm he hissed his disapproval. She let go warily.
"You can let me go I swear I will forget this I won't repeat a word to anyone,"she pleaded.
"You really don't get it do you... it's way bigger than the both of us and I'm not going to allow you to ruin this for me,"Hades was deadly serious about this. He had to extract the debt curse from her before he could be allowed to take over his place as heir of the Black blood. It was a task he set out not to fail.
"I'm feeling hungry,"she blurted surprising them both. Fear curled around her brown eyes."I didn't mean to say that out loud." She lied she had...she wanted to drag this out.
"I know what you are doing Ms Frost..."when Hades replied with that clipped tones her tummy dropped but then he smiled,"let's go to that cafe." He dragged her when she couldn't keep up with his long graceful strides. She kept stumbling...clumsily stepping on his shoes and also tripping a number of times he muttered a string of expletives under his breath. Stopping short of reaching the cafe he grunted," Tell me,do you have left feet,are you blind, do you like making a fool out of yourself or you think being difficult would change the outcome of me taking you away,which is it Ms Frost?"
She glared at him...he thought she was doing this on purpose?
"I can't help it, it's a condition...I had vertigo some time back and as it disappeared it was replaced by this Klutziness,"
She hated how he looked at her now like she was disabled...a leper. She wanted to prove him wrong as she broke his hold she had managed two graceful steps towards the cafe before gravity decided she'd had enough and her feet wobbled and crashed into each other. Palm out she was ready for the painful impact with concrete only she didn't make it. Hades had held her by the waist stopping her fall that would have been undoubtedly painful.
"You are welcome Ms Frost, it made me cringe to watch, like you had forgotten how to walk." He taunted. She forcefully pushed herself vertical and glared. He merely grinned. Her feet left the ground suddenly as Hades lifted her into his arms. She wasn't a tiny thing but he did it so effortlessly she wondered just how much physical strength he possessed.
"I'm not an invalid,"she voiced.
"You just might be,I am just making my work easier," he crossed the remaining distance in quick strides. Entering the  cafe the bell above the door chimed softly. A rectangular placard that hang by the knob stated open for 24 hours. The smell of confectionery mixed in the air made her stomach growl. With the entrance Hades had made undoubtedly people stared...they might have looked like newlyweds with him in a neatly prim tuxedo and her in white backless dress with spaghetti straps that criss crossed her back. They probably assumed they were from the reception on their way to the honeymoon. Finding an empty table in the back. He settled her in the red leather chair then settled across her. Clearly not everyone thought they were newlyweds...A waitress came over stood way to close to Hades he was undoubtedly inhaling her sickly strong perfume. He scowled. The waitress didn't seem to notice. Ruby had forgotten that on the surface Hades was extremely drop dead hot. It was obvious the waitress thought so too.
"What can I get you,sugarlips?" Ruby placed a hand over her mouth trying to muffle laughter that was surfacing. The murderous look on Hades' face was clear he despised the name. He looked violated. It was amusing. He gave out their orders and the woman wrote it down managing to make it look sultry in a way she wouldn't care to achieve. She had no seductive bone in her body anyway. Would have Hades reacted differently if it we're her instead of the waitress? Why was she thinking this in the first place? She would like to teach herself the art of seduction if it would earn her freedom she would learn and use it on him. Only she had no one to learn it from. Hades looked at her and scowled.
"You have one chance to request for anything you want that would make you cooperate with me and from that I don't want to hear a word out of will keep your fucking mouth shut is that clear? So think it through," she didn't reply she wouldn't delude herself to think she had the ability to be a silent spectator as he turned her life upside down.
She thought of something meaningful but her trap clearly had other ideas.
" I want you to kiss me?" She challenged.He stared at her dumbfounded.
"Of all the things you could have asked... you want to a stupid kiss from me?"
"Ms Frost don't delude yourself,that this is some fairytale,"He clipped.
"Prove it then... kiss me?"she didn't know why she was pushing him.
"I am not interested in deluding you further,"
"You wanted me to make it easy for you..."she challenged him. The shadows in his eyes had paved way for something darker that curled her insides in fear while making them purr as well but it was gone before it became substantial. He pulled her chair scooting her close and she held his stare. He collared her throat with one hand and pulled her close. Their lips almost touching... his breath on hers. She couldn't help fluttering her eyelids close  her entire  focus on this moment. Her body heating and she licked her lips in anticipation.
"Kiss me Hades,"she uttered. He was agonizingly close to kissing her then stopped himself by replying,"I have nothing to prove to you Ms Frost but you only proved how cheap you can be. It was like a slap. He was keen on making her feel like shit and this time he actually hurt her feelings. It didn't matter she meant nothing to him but he indirectly called her desperate and slutty. And it sounded just about true. Her appetite disappeared. He noticed she didn't even look at her food.
"You are not about to waste food I paid for,"
"I'm suddenly not hungry–"
"If you don't fucking eat I won't be responsible for the hurt I will cause. Threatened she forced a few morsels of the bargel while washing it down with coffee just as she liked. She probably shouldn't be surprised he knew exactly what she liked but she was surprised nonetheless. As her appetite returned the bagel disappeared in quick bites. Satisfied she slowly finished her coffee. The chime of the door had made her turn her head.  A man with long blonde hair twirled up in a bun walked in dressed in a  black T-shirt and denim and a pair of biker boots he was actually quite a catch. The said man headed straight for their table. Hades stood and clasped the stanger's hand before enveloping him in a manly hug. Moving to retain his seat and the stranger pulled and straddled a seat from a nearby table and added it to their table.
"Pierce thank you for your help,"
Pierce shrugged,
"It's done. So she's the one..."Pierce looked at her. He knew what Hades plans were and where he intended to take her.
"Anyway I just came to give yo the keys of the guest room across the cafe the flight is at 4 in the morning," Pierce fished out a key and handed it to Hades.,"see you on Saturday." Pierce left as quick as he had arrived.
"Let's go Ms Frost, you need rest we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

*****#Black Frost series ♥️🖤✨
It is quite apparent Ruby is still ignorant of what she's up against but as Hades does something so irrevocable she finally opens her eyes to the truth. Can you guess what Hades did?????!Find out what happened...🖤♥️✨

BLACK LIKE HADES(Black Frost Series#1)//COMPLETED//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora