chapter ten

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"the debt curse wouldn't allow it and it was expected by your ancestor who you will find about soon, to uphold that significant part that no matter who the first born daughter married she carried the name along. Forcing their spouses to take up the Frost last name." How could her mom uphold such a tradition! She knew what was coming why allow deep rooted was it?
"Look at the paper in front of you, answer your questions,"she hesitated as she darted a glance at the parchment paper on the table. Her curiosity made her itch but she couldn't look at the paper. She didn't want to make things grow beneath her ass or to encourage groping of any form. Because the moment she leaned forward she'll push her ass onto his erection if she scooted closer to the table she'll grind against him. There was zero chance he was letting her leave his lap without one of the options. Something was clasped against the collar. Darting her eyes to where Hades held the chain cuffed to the collar.
"You have been given an order, do it Ms Frost,or you'll choke till you obey,"
She didn't obey so he tightly pulled the leash and the diamonds went from adornment to a device made for asphyxiation. She should let him, allow this slow death. She was struggling to breathe but didn't want to attempt to stop this easy death. the worst moment entered her mind. His child if it's a girl would endure this after her death. She couldn't have that on her. It just wasn't worth being stupid. They must have seen her decision before she made it because Hades loosened his hold, she coughed as air painfully returned to her lungs. She leaned forward Thorne hands sickeningly found her breast beneath the stupid pinafore and pinched her nipple. She darted a glance at Hades who gritted his teeth where his father's hands had disappeared to. She was glad she remained unaffected... just a wince as she gazed at the parchment,worn and yellow but the legible old English calligraphy was still bold and clear. Her hunger for knowledge overruled Mr Black perverse hands. It read:
This Indenture made in the twentieth day of the second month of the year of our Lord God one thousand and six hundred and seventy, witnesses that Alexander Frost and Thatcher Black, covenant,promise and let unto oath to absolve attrocities upon the Blacks...hereby Alexander Frost has been assigned to grant this court the death of his family by hanging...

It ended there but as she gazed around the table three other pieces remained. She had read only one.
"You want the other pieces... you will have to serve each one of us."
"Don't speak unless spoken to I'm sure Hades was at least firm on that,now hop to it,"he ordered as he patted her ass off his lap. So what was she supposed to do? become a silent blowdoll as they used her as they pleased? She seeked Hades for guidance.
"Get the food on the tray and serve them Ms Frost,"unsaid words floated in the same sentence. She'd be a fool to be releaved. An agenda was plotted along the same context of food service. She was sure. As she grabbed a platter her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten for the longest time in her life. The number of food on the food cart looked so good...she needed just a taste. Her stomach growled it's encouragement.
"Hurry up Ms Frost,"Hades broke the trance and she shook her head to get rid of the need to swipe something, anything... Placing breadrolls,fried potatoes, some fruits and vegetables, salad, grabbing anything that fit the into the silver tray. She wasn't a waitress or a maid but common knowledge taught that the head man of the table got to be served first. Meaning she would pass Thorne again.Dread filled her lungs and the clumsiness that had disappeared the entire time returned with vengeance. She carefully grabbed the silver platter and made her way to the table. Up until Hades stood before her blocking her way. She couldn't look at him. A part of her acknowledged the monster he was but another was furious. This man claimed to own her but he was powerless against his father's actions. She hadn't expected his loyalty perse but his control in all of it. Her mouth moved but Thorne made a hush sign over Hades shoulder. Right,no speech allowed.
"Don't you like me anymore Ms Frost?"he whispered for her ears alone. It suddenly occurred to her he never actually used her first name. Why?A plan hatched in her mind. If she survived this, she was going to seduce Hades, she embraced the idea dark and blooming... she would use him. Manipulate him. She allowed this dark thoughts to surround her with hope even if it crossed boundaries of moral behavior. They played dirty,why couldn't she? She looked him right in the eye and silently communicated what her mouth couldn't,I don't fear you Hades. He replied the silent message with a smug smile...all I need is a little time Ms Frost...
"I'm impressed, you understood the rules,"Hades chuckled. Moving aside, she forced her legs to keep straight as she returned to the table while Hades shadowed her...a hold on that chain clipped to her collar
She served Thorne Black first.
"If you do well the men that have the remaining parchments will allow you to read the rest of it,behave Ruby,"he patted her thigh,"move along...left to right in that order"
She clumsily made it to the first man she tripped sightly but his hand righted her. His arm was decorated with tattoos. Most didn't make sense but others explained exactly who he was...the king of the Black diamond motorcycle club. A right hand man. He took what he wanted from the tray then took a lick at her thigh before she could think of darting away,"Thank you Ms Frost."what just happened?
"Ms Frost,you will serve all this men...they get to touch or lick you any part they want, you serve them food, but you are the actual meal,"Hades whispered quietly in her ear.
Touch...lick, could she handle it? was she really that adaptable? she already knew her answer when she moved to the next man. However she just knew if there was a full penetration from this men it will send her straight to the asylum. She'll go mad. A blonde built man that seemed to walk in the first man's shadow was next. He also picked what he needed then licked the line of her hip bone,"thank you Ms Frost,"she gaped a little. Did they expect her to be gracious and feel appreciated! She felt nothing but disgust. Her body moved mechanically shut off from emotions or feel. The third man was rougish in his looks he possessed the same dark eyes like Hades. His black hair was longer and wild as it fell like a curtain on the side of his face. He possessed something that she hadn't seen since she was brought to Owl's Cove. Kindness. He lifted her leg slightly and dropped a soft kiss to the tops of her knee taking a casual lick it was almost non-existent...she was grateful at least one made her feel human. He smiled at the gratitude in her eyes. The smile gave him away. This was another Black. She should have shied away or feared this was another monster but she couldn't. A weird connection buzzed between them.
"I'm Leo,the second brother, if Hades tires of you, don't worry I will take care of you,"he whispered with a charming smile that seemed perfected over the years.
"Ethan,the others need a taste too," Hades gruff voice behind her reminded her she still had a job to do. Filling the tray once again she moved to the next and next. Saliva coated half of her body. She didn't know who licked where or who touched this. How she was still moving despite all of it was beyond her halfway to the left after serving a man who was older with greying hair she moved in a trance ready to deliver service to the next man. Hunger made it a tard easier. The old man however grabbed her arm and the parchment before him was allowed in her hands. Breaking her trance state her hunger for knowledge made her feast her eyes on it. Trading the present for the year 1670:
However,the fate of Alexander Frost will doth be decided by Thatcher Black who demands comeuppance by:
A public apology
Monetary payment and,
Bodily retribution
... stunned,she gaped at the parchment...Hades had told her the truth. She wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the Blacks. Thatcher Black had granted her family mercy and spared their lives from hanging. She didn't want to be grateful but she had to accept her survival was deemed necessary because of the Blacks ancestor even if the same man ensured she had no future.
"Move along Ms Frost,"she glared at Hades and strode forward till she finished a whole round without being gifted the other pieces.
"The main course if you please,Ruby,"Mr Black snapped impatiently. Meaning she was to endure another round of tongues and hands. Don't cry,Ruby... Don't you dare! You survived a round what's another? She clumsily fought to move to the side where the food cart...the main course had been set. She walked towards the table. Halfway battling her legs with the urge to flee,she lost the battle to her clumsiness instead and tripped. A steady hand circled her waist. She hissed at the heat that seared through her clothes. She stared up at Hades hatred coated her body as he pulled her vertical. She forced her lips shut as his eyes gleefully challenged her. There was a lot she wanted to say. Her freedom of speech had been subdued. She didn't need to be stupid. She knew he craved her defiance so he could have an excuse to punish her.He truly enjoyed her torment. Her ego still bruised for being unable to service him and her head still throbbed because of his slap. Despite it all, an unwanted arousal made her trip into the shadows of his eyes. Damn traitorous body! She cursed how she couldn't look past his evil beauty. She had plans for him yet a part of her wondered, whether she wanted to simply seduce him for her freedom...what if it becomes something more! Having no answer built new frustrations in her mind.
"Seeing you subservient and silent is making me so hard, if you keep it up I may just reward you,"despite herself she looked along the seam of his pants where his bulge pressed against his scared her better than the idea of payment of debts...the unwanted licks and touches from the table. It was ridiculous but it had been in her hands and experienced or not he'll destroy her innards with that. He spun her around and pushed he forward. Placing the tray on the table, Mr Black picked the chicken with a side of baby spinach. He grabbed her waist, pulling forward. Pushed the pinafore aside touched her breast and licked her nipple. She hadn't been ready for such assault. She cried inwardly as a wash of humiliation and embarrassment filled her.
" Thank you Ms Frost, dear,"he let go. No, she couldn't do it. The first round had been kept casual nobody touched or licked her privates that's why she was willing to make another round of unwanted hands and tongue.
She just discovered what was in store in the next half an hour. She couldn't do it! She looked at Hades and firmly shook her head. She attempted to run but Hades grabbed her arm. she hadn't even made a step away from the table. She fought his grip whilst shaking her head.
"Do I need to remind you why you should do this?"no he didn't,her family's life depended on it. She didn't have the strength they would break her mentally. She could embrace that coldness but her mind would be damaged. She wouldn't be able to erase their acts off her mind. Hades smiled cruelly. Catching on she understood his silent message. This was their intent to break her to a point of helplessness.
"You are doing quite well, don't stop now... don't make it worse,"his words calm carved her body into shards of shame. This is the man she wanted to seduce. This soulless creature that got hard at her utter degradation. He tightened a grip in her hair.
"You will finish this,"he commanded snapping his fingers. Be brave Ruby. Mom was strong. You are your mother's daughter...feet aligned towards the next man,he served then pushed the lacy trim of the apron to the side and he licked her dry nipple circling and sucking. She shuddered praying she didn't break and cry at that moment because there was more. More invasive touches and licks. She moved a tight grip on her tears. She thought the first course was hard this was absolute torture. A light-headedness overcame her as she passed from man to man. Her legs wobbled.
"If you pass out Ms Frost,you wouldn't like what you'll find when you wake up,I promise you,"A perfect threat perfectly delivered because she didn't want to imagine what was worse than what she faced. So she moved along. Fat lips,thin lips,cold lips,hot lips all groped and licked and to her horror she realized her body was taking over. Growing hotter and her stomach fluttered. She was being forced, physically subdued but her body grew wet now though she shuddered,though she hated. She gazed at Hades who had retained a position beside his father's chair. She regretted submitting to his hands at the barn. He showed her exactly what she was in his eyes...a means to an end. and once again she met Chaser,he was the last of the round. She felt the sting on her nipple. He bit her. Whereas everyone else had been respectful and licked. he was visious and he took what he wanted.
"Now it isn't fun when you aren't paying attention,"grabbing the parchment off the table he shoved it in her hands,"here you earned this little whore,I mean thank you Ms Frost."he cackled and she swore if there was one member of the table that made he uneasy it was him hands down and she read the paper quickly only because she wanted to get away from him. "I can't wait for the next course." No!!!she screamed inwardly.

******Blackfrost series ✨♥️🖤 another bout of servicing. Ruby has no choice but to chase information as Hades leads her thru hell. Find out what happens next✨🖤♥️

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