chapter twelve

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"No!"she protested when she realized what he was about to do.
Too fucking late!Hades captured her pussy in his mouth. Ruby arched off the table the moment his tongue shot out pressing firm and hard onto her swollen pussy. Her mouth hang wide, neck straining as muscles stood out in stark relief. The brown curtain of her hair fanned out wildly across the table. She writhed against the wood attempting to scissor her legs together.
Glaring at the two diamond brothers,Hades snapped his fingers. They leapt to attention grabbing her wrists and pinning her down. She fought,squirmed but Hades bit his fingers into her ass. He made eye contact with her for a split second and he made it clear he won't be stopped. She shivered at the raw promise in his eyes and the sheer cruelty he intended. He pinned her wide and open. With a wicked gleam he sunk between her legs. His fucking brother had no right to tongue fuck her that was his right. That belonged solely to him. That anger he'd been trying to squelch bellowed with steam. He went harder sucking her clit. Punishing her with his anger. She cried out needing to escape his vicious tongue but he didn't let her. Slamming a hand on her belly he stopped her squirming. She had no choice but to take everything he gave punishment or not.
He hadn't planned on giving her such a reward wasn't just her getting off on this. Her taste...fuck! the power,her submission was the perfect aphrodisiac. He showed too much! He let go of his tight restraint, his control,his ice and drank. Like he had been dying of thirst. She groaned... He shifted his body slowly licking downward then plunged mercilessly into her warmth...Jesus! His eyes rolled back as he plunged deep and hard making her writhe. She bit her lip but she couldn't exactly cover her soft scream as he wickedly tongued her pussy. And he was indeed wicked... because how could she be this fucking sweet? she just had to taste this good! He set a punishing relentless rythm no one could ignore. The way he plunged in and out of her core...he fucked her.
"Oh God!"she attempted to escape his invasion but there was no where to go as he drove his tongue fast and possessive. She panted,moaned,writhed and screamed. Finally,she gave up fight and submitted. Delivering herself into his hands. Spasms of precum dampened his jeans when her hips shot upward,her clit brushing his nose. Shit! Her body twisted as she tried to free her wrists,the brothers wouldn't let her. She became wild, seeking his assault. Fuck me! She demanded release. With fevor... The same creature from the barn,fearless...fiery and so damn angry. He became a slave to her pleasure. He couldn't breath without her scent filling his lungs he couldn't think without wanting to tear off his jeans and plunging deep into her wet hot heat. His tongue worked faster as Ruby the sex nymph unravelled. His teeth grazing her pussy lips then he drove deeper than ever before. He ate her. Fucked her. He owned her. Her pussy squeezed his tongue begging for more. He'd already given her too much. For fucksake! But he obliged. He couldn't have stopped even if his life depended on it. Her legs latched against his ears as she grinded upward. Using him. Moaning. whimpering. A breathless beg on her lips. He couldn't stop himself. His head bobbed in and out faster. Harder. She combusted. Breathless. She unravelled. Ruby fucking screamed as she came on his tongue...
Oh God! Oh my God! She didn't. Shit! she did. He didn't. God,he did. Oh hell take me now! What the hell did she do? Hades stood straight looking breathless. His lips drenched,red and slightly swollen. He grabbed a nearby napkin and wiped his mouth. Her cheeks flamed. Heart thundering. What had he done to her? What magic did he possess that he made her throw away her senses,self consciousness and hate? How could she make such sounds? How could she come like that? She came. Hades made her come. Her enemy had granted her something nobody ever had. The euphoric bliss where only mind numbing pleasure existed. That delicious clenching in her pussy that begged for more. She wanted more. Hades tried unsuccessfully to hide the growing lust burning in his eyes.
He done as he'd promised. He wiped it all away. Her sole focus was on him...not on the room. Not the tongues,touches and pleasant thank yous. All of it didn't matter. All burned to a crisp thanks to the nuclear experience she has just been granted. He had given not taken. She owned the room now. No longer at it's mercy...
Suddenly everything came crashing down as her awareness returned. Oh...My...God! She had come in front of them. All of them had seen,they heard. She struggled to sit up as the men that held her hands released her. Hades had stripped her off any sense of privacy. That sparking burst was rapidly fading making way for a storm.
You let him control you. You allowed your body to win. You forgot he was the enemy. They gazed at her, many eyes. So many that oversaw her destruction. She bowled inwardly in grief,she couldn't be here. She couldn't continue pretending that everything was acceptable. This was beyond mind games. Hades smirked. His breathing calmed. He dragged a hand over his lips, smug arrogance on his face. Her heart panged in pain. How could he give her something so incredible while hating her? His unknown intentions, unreadable face and masked emotions it confused her...worse it upset her. Her storm brewed. Horror and anger seized her dark and brooding. Balling her hands,she scooted off the table. The compliancy gone under the tsunami of her rage. This wasn't okay. This wasn't acceptable. None of it! She glared at Hades. He had no right to make her come. He had no right to give her something so wonderful in an act to show his control rather than kindness. His chin tilted in arrogance, a brow quirked. No sign of being affected. He went to lean against the door one hand jammed in his pocket. He gave nothing away. Nothing about how he felt when other men used her. No idea what went on in his mind after making her come. He was a rock,endless darkness no emotions. He didn't give a fuck about her. She was his. He didn't however seem to care. It broke her. Her plans to seduce make him care or at least tolerate her would be a waste because he remained stoic,unmoved. No compassion whatsoever.That made her storm brew. She took her eyes off him and glowered at the table. Standing regal she embraced her nakedness. She hated what she wore. It covered nothing and it belonged to them. Her strength grew and she snatched the stupid maids cap and slammed it on the table. She tried to untie the hated pinafore it didn't budge and angrily she grabbed a fish knife nearby and cut the strings. She felt fearless as she threw that apron on the floor. She wanted to burn it. She wanted nothing from these animals. She felt free in her skin. Decorated by all kinds of bruises.
"Wow look at you,I bet you feel strong and manly enjoyed hurting me. Taking me apart...I really thought I could accept this, that I could endure this,that I could fold like a poor little Ms Frost, who can't help herself but a realised you are just a bunch of losers,and I was wrong. I'm not weak you guys are... you are nothing...and you-"turning to zero her gaze at Hades, he stood taller,eyes angry,as he crossed his arms over his large chest,she smiled,"you think you are the worst of them, I'm sorry I don't fear you, I will never obey,never bend at your will,you might own my life but you'll never own me,I'm not yours,I'm not your possession,I told you I belong only to me,"
Spinning to face the others,she splayed her hands outward,Ruby presented herself,"go ahead,rape me,beat me,kill me but you'll never break me...I won't bow to your power."Ruby waited the shocked silence in the room turned to anticipation. Thorne suddenly spoke."I was wrong,you are nothing like your mother,at least she was smart," his voice dropping to chilly english octaves before snapping with violence,"you are wilful and extremely stupid,you don't see you have been initiated into my family, the moment you slept under my roof you became a black through acquisition.". Ruby couldn't help herself,she laughed.
"Technically I'm still a Frost since I didn't sleep under your roof. Her kitty claws were sharpening.
"You will learn your place,I promise you," she had listened to their stupid history lesson it's time they learned something new.
"I may not have perfectly up to date records of my family like you but I know my family is innocent. What happened in the past belongs in the should learn to let go because this is not even between us, my family has done honest work and I'm way proud of where I come from for you to-"
"Hades!"Thorne snapped,"shut her up!" Hades came up and slammed a hand over her mouth. She had brought whatever punishment upon herself. This time however she didn't let herself regret. She only spoke the truth. Her dad,mom, Jarr were good people and also most of her ancestry. She wouldn't blame anyone for her punishment but neither will she apologize nor take her words back.
"You had to fucking push, didn't you?" Hades whispered harshly in her ear,"I'll have to draw blood for this." She hushed her fears with knowledge,they will hurt her but they won't kill her. There will be pain...agony but she'll live.
"Take her and deal with her, show her that the Blacks are a forgiving family but will favor strictness in lieu of allowing such rants to occur," Thorne snapped with authority,"now take her out of my sight till she loses that misplaced righteousness she thinks she's owed." Hades nodded and jostled their bodies. Ungluing his hand over her mouth he grabbed her wrist. His overbearing temper,graphite like eyes were granite every part of her shrank but she forced herself to remain tall.
"It doesn't matter what you do to me,what happened will never happen again,"she will not let her body ever rule her mind,"and you should know it is pathetic for a man to hurt a woman,it isn't power,it's weakness!"
"Motherfucking Christ!" His temper increased till the room pulsed with it. She felt a heavy dizziness but she fought it. Hades jerked her close staring into her eyes until his anger,his annoyance faded to nothing but black opaque calmness.
"If you please Ms Frost,"he commanded in chilly tones. He let go pushing her towards the huge double doors that now stood wide ajar,as if staff waited on the other side for his command. She wanted to cover herself but in the most regal and demure fashion she elegantly pirouetted out of the dining room. Without a backward glance nor a sign of clumsiness. As soon as the doors closed behind them, Hades grabbed her elbow and pulled her along, prowling forward as if the flames of hell trailed them. Ruby went from walking to jogging trying to keep pace. Her vision lost clarity as it faded in and out. Neither did Hades seem to care nor break stride as he dragged her across long corridor that could have been a hall. He didn't let her inspect the countless weapons,swords, knives, bayonets and crossbows or catch eye of surprised staff. Crashing through one of the many exterior doors, they traded the brooding corridor for the outdoors and bright late afternoon sun. Hades didn't let her enjoy the view,he continued to walk uncaring as her feet painfully met gravel as he descended the four steps with her in tow. Ruby hadn't seen that side of the property. It was just as expanse and impressive and just as dangerous as she glanced at the brambles and thorns in the pathways and hedges. She was naked. This was undoubtedly her punishment. But the moment her feet felt grass instead of gravel Hades tossed her away. She would have fallen but with her palm outward,she neatly stumbled forward. Managing her feet to steady,she finally turned to gaze at Hades he was right behind her. He fisted her hair, twisting her neck. Whimpering as he raised her head higher and higher till she stood on her toes. Almost face to face. Her scalp hurt even as she grabbed his hand behind her head trying to ease his hold.
"What the fuck did you gain?"he snapped,"which part of rewarding good behavior didn't you get,you just had to endure all that and you would be spending the afternoon in the room with a maid at you beck and call,"
"I don't need your pity charity,"
"It's not charity if you earned it,"he spat angrily lowering his nose against hers,"today you pleased me,by letting those men sample you..."the softness in his voice disappeared under the torrent of rage,"then you fucking ruined it by being you, and now..." he pushed off her his eyes sidetracked then glowed with ideas. Grabbing her hair,making a thick braid she hated the length now. It seemed to invite Hades to use it as he pleased. Light made rainbows bounce off her diamond collar still heavy and uncomfortable around her neck. Ideas for a new clothing designs flashed through her mind. She craved a sketch pad and pencil at that moment before the ideas left her mind. A few minutes of ceasefire between them stretched in uncomfortable silence. It would either snap and ricochet at her with pain and punishment or fade away if Hades was feeling generous. Which she doubted. She waited for him to announce her punishment... because she wasn't going to beg for mercy. She gained pride as much as she has her strength...

******Blackfrost series ❤️🖤✨
Ruby is growing braver,her fight is going nowhere and slowly she's becoming the girl she needed to be. As Hades contemplates her punishment find out what happened next!🤐

BLACK LIKE HADES(Black Frost Series#1)//COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now