Chapter thirteen

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Hades stared at her for the longest time. She dreaded waiting. He seemed to relish in making her miserable. If he intended to hurt her at least he should grant her mercy by not dragging it out. When she couldn't take it anymore she blurted,"if you are going to make me walk on hot coals or hit me at least you should say it,"he cocked a brow and gave her sideways glance.
"I'm starting to see that threats doesn't seem to work on you I'm thinking,how about a negotiation,"she gaped a little. It sounded like a trap. Hades wanted a negotiation? It was too good to be true. Despite herself she was curious. Hope bloomed...
"A one shot offer. You say I wouldn't own you but if I win this you give me that right. You will sign another document other than the debt curse one that makes me your master till your last breath but you can contest it."his smile cold and calculating.
"Contest it with?"she asked breathlessly
"Your chance at freedom," her breath hitched. He cocked his head at the forest behind her. The forest was thick dark, foreboding with warning to stay away.
"So your freedom," Hades told her. He didn't taunt. It was one chance she'd hoped for. As she returned her gaze back to Hades. The sun bright behind him made him stand out like a dark eclipse that should be burning bright and fiery. Alluring and mysterious,clever and far as she understood Hades, she was also learning his game. There were loops,traps,danger... blindly trusting his word was the most foolish thing to do. He'll probably use it against her. She let his negotiation seep into her mind. If she won,she'll be free,but if she lost-
"I don't understand what you are offering?"crossing her hands,
"Yes, you do"he smirked. Yes she did.
Taking a step towards her Hades bridged the distance.
"I'm giving you a one time chance,do you want to break the contract? Do you want to keep your family safe,all you have to do is ran...if you reach the boundary, your family will never be hunted by Blacks,make it and every ounce of history that links us will disappear,"his voice cutting through the silence as if everything had calm to listen to the tempting offer,"deal?" His hand held out to her like the first time they had met. The hand that had been in her panties that morning. The hand that had left scores in the inside of her thighs. She couldn't help feel a small spark ripple from that earlier orgasm. Ruby stared at his hand once more. She knew what to do but she didn't exactly hear the consequences.
"And if I don't?"she gazed into his eyes.
"I beg your pardon?" Hades frowned his English lilt more prominent than usual. As he pushed his offered hand into the pocket of his pants.
"What happens if I don't run?"she replied breathlessly.
"You wouldn't run... even after what I offered?it is something you wanted," covering her breasts with one hand and another across her her pussy. Not that it was any help,she was exactly small around her chest.
"I didn't say I want a chance to run naked over a thousand hectares,I just want to be sure it will be over," Hades lips curled to one side as he contemplated her silly attempt at hiding her body. She was a huge contradiction. On one hand he'd overseen her strutting proud and naked out of the dining room and now she hid her body from him. Personally he knew who he preferred, for the sanity of his mind.
"It's not over until it's over and we both know how this will end."his eyes fell on her collar, glinting with darkness. Moving closer he added quietly,"there is no option here I'm not giving you a choice to run I'm asking you to run,one chance, Ms Frost,to save your family and your life, don't fuck it up by testing my patience." He stood so close...his cologne teased her nostrils. He didn't seem to care she was naked. Or that when he breathed his chest was agonizingly close to brushing against her nipples. Ruby knew they had an undeniable chemistry but Hades didn't respond to it. He was only interested in the chase,the hunt...her submission and games... games where he made the rules. At this one chance at her freedom he didn't offer clothing. He would make her run unprotected through the forests with brambles,with tripworthy roots...predators. Don't even think about predators. He raised his arm and she fought muscles not to move. She cringed when he softly caressed her cheek. She couldn't help it. His slap couldn't exactly be forgotten...she was nursing a migraine because of it. Turning her in his arms he molded them together. It angered her to think what a perfect fit they seem to be. His mouth lowered close to her ear. His woodsy and rain scent drowning any other. "Run Ms Frost,"he fingered a loose strand between his index finger and thumb,"but before you run there's one thing you should know."Don't ask! Don't ask! She stiffened pinching her lips together as he grazed teeth over the shell of her ear. Cursing her fluttering stomach,she waited. He would tell her. Ruby knew this. "While you are running, Ms Frost I'll be hunting,you not only have to reach the boundary but you have to do it before I catch you." She knew it. Nothing good would come from Hades. He was cunning,cruel and vicious. The hope she had deflated like a balloon. There would be no freedom. She'll be hunted. He had mentioned blood. There would be blood. Just like he'd said. Energy siphoned from her limbs. Who was she kidding? She hadn't eaten since that cafe or had decent sleep. She was simply existing on airplane mode of terror and adrenaline. Given the following,she didn't stand a chance. If Hades didn't catch her first then starvation and dehydration might. How will she endure long distance and evade Hades too? pulling away from her.
"Your headstart begins now,I would leave if it were you,"
Now? Her body grew cold with terror.
" long do I have?"she stuttered.
"I'm a seasoned hunter, Ms Frost I will undoubtedly find you,"he raised his cuff, her gaze found the black and diamond watch around his wrist. Just like most of his possessions it had a stamp H.B, Hades sedately glanced at his watch,"fifty minutes headstart is quite sporting, don't you agree?"
She heaved,she had 50minutes ahead of him.
"Remember, little Ms Frost if I catch you,what those men did to you will be nothing compared to what I will do." She swallowed as she took a tentative step back. She gazed at the forest at her distance,her mind was already gone, flying, leaping over fallen branches and leaves. Run. Go. Ruby run. Her legs itched to take off.
"Make it and you won't be mine anymore..."
Freedom felt like she stood a chance. Even if it was slim or non existent. She didn't want to imagine not making it. Hades catching her. Being killed by wild animal. Nothing seemed to be in her favor. Don't ask! Don't ask Ruby. You don't want to know. Muscles poised to flee. Legs already shifting ready for flight. She should
"What will happen if I don't make it?"she knew. Hades eyes darkened. It glinted with excitement for the hunt. Then with a grim smile.
"Then the debt,of the blackfrost curse,that I'll make you repay will make you wish you did,you better desire to find the boundary before I find you,"moving from the sun's glare he gritted his teeth together as he spoke,"so fucking!"

And so she did....

******Blackfrost series🖤❤️✨
You have come to the end of Black like Hades🖤🖤,book 1 of the blackfrost series... Its sequel Bleed like Ruby ❤️❤️ is up next... find out and read on!!!!! love y'all 😜

 find out and read on!!!!! love y'all 😜

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BLACK LIKE HADES(Black Frost Series#1)//COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now