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Caroline opens the door to condominium 104 and sees Kade sitting half naked on the floor, with a beer bottle in one hand, a cigarette in the other and a picture of Nadine before him. She's never seen him this miserable before in her entire life. His hair is a mess, his face is pink and wet with tears and bags have formed beneath his eyes.

"Jesus, Kade. You're up?"
Kade turns around, sees her and turns back to Nadine's photo. Caroline sits next to him and gives him a towel.

"Are you okay, Kade?" she asks.


"I'm sorry for what happened. And I was the one who saw you on the bare road and brought you here, just so you know."

"Thanks." He says glumly.

"I didn't say it for credit. How was your night?"

"I kept seeing Nadine. She was talking to me."

"What'd she say?"

"She said she'll always be with me. She said I was the best thing that happened to her."

"You ought to believe her, Kade. What you have to do for her now is win the case." Caroline says.

"Well, she also said that where she was now was uncomfortable. She said she's in heaven, but it's lonely without me. She needs me."


"Nadine was the only reason why I wanted to live. All she wanted was look pretty, find solace after our parents' death, get a boyfriend, get married, have two kids and die at 70. She never called for a fight; she wanted peace. But I made things hard. She wanted someone to confide in so I decided to be there. I would've killed myself after my dad died. She stopped me. I wish I'd told her all this in person. I never got to say that I loved her, instead I killed her with my problems."

"It was not your fault, Kade. You never planned any of this. Right now, I guess she's happier with God. As you said, things got hard so God decided to take her in."

"She didn't have to leave me alone in this condition. However, she was too frail to fight this fight with me."

"I'll be here as your friend, Kade. You are not alone."

Kade smiles at her and nods.


"Are you hungry?"


"I know you are."

"I'm not."

"What about scrambled eggs? Shopping? Restaurant? Amusement park?"


"Come on. As far as I knew you, Nadine hated it when you were gloomy." Caroline points out.
Kade laughs and wipes off tears. "She really hated it."

"So what do you say, Kade?"

"" He says softly.

"You strong enough to play?"

"I'll just watch."

Ciana Pandora Where stories live. Discover now