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                   [TEXAS, USA]

Kade leaves Nadine in the enterprise building to continue hammering nails into a metal bar whiles he goes outside to buy fast-food. However, after he leaves, she falls back into a deep sleep. Ciana leaves Nadine’s body and finds herself in another world, and she is anxious as she looks around for someone anonymous.

“Ciana my dear, I am here.” a peculiar voice echoes. An old sage appears from a mist, smiling tenderly at her.

“Grandmother!” Ciana runs to embrace her.

“Ciana, my child, how I miss you! I am happy to see you, my child.”

Both women untangle themselves from each other. “I miss you too, Grandmother Ramona. However, I like these people. They are nice people.” Ciana says.

“My darling, Pandora, you do not belong there. How long will you continue to beguile them with your false identity? If they find out, which they would, they might not accept you. You belong here in Ohr. The kingdom is empty without its rightful heir. You have left your father distressed looking for you.”

“Tell him not to look for me, Ramona. I shall not return. My heart is a Penumbran heart. I am afraid it will harm the noble people of Ohr. I cannot return.” Ciana says softly.

“Ciana, your heart is not your weakness. Rather, it is your strength. You are powerful, but you can learn to control it.”

“But Father wants to remove my heart. What if I die eventually? I am not good enough to be queen. Let my brother Jedrek ascend the throne.”

“No. I cannot do such a thing which may attract curses. Ciana, they do not know that your heart is untouchable. It is not your fault that the ancestors chose you to be the distinct member of the monarchy to unite Ohr. You have an important mission. The Penumbra depends on you solely for their freedom from slavery to The Gibbous.” Ramona coaxes.

“No. Ohr is better without me. Besides, my life is at stake. My mother wants me dead. So I am staying out of the kingdom’s affairs. Don’t worry, I am happy here. I have met a new friend and he is my brother. His name is Kade. He treats me well. He accepted me. There is peace among the humans.” Ciana tells Ramona.

“You are mistaken, Ciana. Even though you have travelled far from Ohr, your mother is still after your life. They had come to Earth seeking you.”

“But how is that possible? You are the only one I have told. Did you say a word to them about me?” Ciana asks.

“No I didn’t. Ciana you cannot run away from your own fate, for it follows you like a shadow. Wherever you go, you would be hunted. Dionne went to see Lamia for help and Lamia brought her to you. She has a plan with Dionne and Jedrek to kill you.” Ramona tells her.

“Did you say Lamia, Grandmother? Lamia is the High Priestess of The Penumbra. Why does she want my life? I am one of hers now. And my mother is too conceited to seek help from her slave.”

“I convinced her to do so. I wanted to assist in the fulfillment of your destiny. By making an alliance with Lamia, The Gibbous and The Penumbra have unified even if it is for a bad purpose. That unity is the agenda of the ancestors.” Ramona says. “However, Lamia wants the throne for herself away from Magnar and that is why she is together with Lady Dionne.”

“Lamia wants the throne?” Ciana asks with astonishment.

“Yes. I can see through her totally. She loathes Magnar and Dionne for enslaving her people. Therefore she has taken advantage of the intimacy between your brother and her daughter Nefeli to form an alliance between she and her sworn enemy. She does not like any member of the Gibbous. You are Magnar’s child even if you are a Penumbra so she does not mind killing you. I had advised Dionne to join hands with Lamia so that it leads to her doom.”

“Alright. But Lady Dionne is my own mother. Why does she hate me so much?”

“Since you came out as a Penumbra, Magnar blamed her and accused her of adultery. This has tarnished her image as queen. Therefore, she holds you responsible for it. So her revenge against you is to kill you and make her son Jedrek king. Though he is the first born, he cannot touch the sapphire and cannot be king.”
Ciana sighs. “I came in peace and ignorance but people hate me so much. Why did the ancestors choose me? They have made my life miserable. Now I can’t run without looking over my shoulder. I have no peace.”

“You may only have peace if only you will embrace your mission. That is what I have been sent to tell you. But until then, you’ll be distressed forever. Choose wisely, Ciana Pandora, most powerful of all. Think about it. But I must return now to give sacrifice to the gods. Summon me again when you need me, and I will be there.” Ramona smiles and kisses Ciana’s forehead.

“Farewell, Grandmother.”

“Take care, my child.” Ramona disappears into the mist and Nadine wakes up from sleep. She has water glazed all over her face. She sits up, startled.

“Nadine, are you on drugs?” Kade asks, putting the water jug down.


“I have been yelling like a moron for the past five minutes. How come you are so sleepy?” Kade says.

“I just…”

“It was a rhetorical question. I understand that we’ve been working since morning on the engine so you must be tired. Stand up, lazybones.” Kade gives her a hand to stand erect.

“I’m sorry.” Nadine whispers.

“You must be crazy. Everyone has hormones so they can fall asleep. But you still have to help me with the engine so I need you awake. Guess what I bought for you.” Kade smiles, raising a brown paper bag.


“Cheese burgers and a soda. Eat it and get back to work.” He says, cleaning his fingers of grease.

“How is my work so far, Kade?” she asks, taking the snacks.

“Mundane.” He smirks. Nadine scowls with disappointment. Kade bursts out laughing. “I was just kidding. Your work is good. Here in Texas, no teenage girl would want to stain her fingers with sticky grease. I appreciate you helping me.”

“You’re welcome.” Nadine grins. Kade leaves to open up the bonnet of a car. Nadine ignores her food and stares at him with admiration. He loves her so much. She, as Ciana, has never felt love from anyone before because she was a Penumbran child. Now she is confused. If she left Kade, he’ll be so hurt at losing his sister again and he might do something terrible to himself. Meanwhile, Ohr was tearing apart and she was waited upon to be killed. Coming to Earth was a bad decision after all and she felt bad about it. She never thought she’d have to toy with someone’s emotions. She shouldn’t have possessed Nadine’s body. She should’ve left Kade to mourn her death and get over it. Ciana feels like a devil incarnate for doing this to Kade and Ohr.
She sighs deeply and returns to her snacks reluctantly. She must take a stance and whether she decides to ignore Ohr or go back to it, it will hurt her loved ones and her people either way.

Ciana Pandora Where stories live. Discover now