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              [TWO DAYS LATER]

Caroline comes over to Kade enterprise and admires his handiwork. It is a small building which is supposed to be a storage room for graffiti work. He lifts his head when he hears her footsteps.

“Hi. I wasn’t expecting company.” He says.

“Well, I just decided to come over to see if I could help.”

“You are late. I am done getting started.” Kade says paradoxically.

“Right now, all I need are clients.”

“This is a very meager enterprise. It will be hard to locate.”

“Pardon me, Caroline, this enterprise is among the crème de la crème. Do you know why? Because it belongs to Kade Johansson, the world’s best engineer.”

“Oh I see. Big dreams, of course.”

“When I get richer, I’ll extend it a bit more and then Rodney would kiss my ass. I hope his company collapses and ends up in shambles.”

“It is actually good that he fired you. I think now you get to express more of yourself than more of Rodney’s worker. Everything happens for your good.”

“I hope so.”

“How is Nadine?”

“She’s good. She started schooling yesterday and she’s head over heels about it. She thinks school is so awesome, I can’t believe it. Anyway, I am glad she doesn’t have to look over her shoulder or hide behind a hood when going to school. I am glad that she will no longer get bullied. She would be happy now.”

“I am happy for you. You have your sister back, a new job and a happy life.”

“I am not luckier than you, Caroline. You have no one to take care of. When do you plan on getting married? You haven’t told me about any guy you like. Do you lack estrogen or something?” Kade teases.

“I am not ready yet. What about you?”

“Same here.”


“I haven’t met anyone. I am a happy man and I don’t plan on getting married.”

“Oh.” Caroline says. “That was really specific.”

“However, I am open for flirting. If you find a really sexy lady, don’t forget to hook me up.” Kade says. She guffaws and says okay.

“Uh…Kade, is that your phone?” Caroline hears a resonation. She reaches on top of a shelf and takes his phone.

“Pick it up and tell the person to go to hell.” Says Kade.

Caroline shakes her head and answers the call. “Hello.”

“I want to speak to Mr. Kade, please.” says the person.

“I know that, but he’s a bit busy right now. Anyway, you can talk to me, I’ll pass on the message.” She says.

“Okay, tell him that his sister’s school called and that his presence is required in the school precincts immediately.”

“Is there any problem?” Caroline asks.

“Yes. It’s very substantive. Please tell him to come here instantly.” 

“Okay, I’ll do so.” Caroline hangs up. Then she turns to Kade and winces miserably. “This is the umpteenth time Nadine’s school has called. Kade, I think there is a problem at her school. They want you to get there immediately.”

           Nadine sits with her head bent at the school reception as she faces her frustrated brother and worried neighbor, Caroline. She shuffles her feet uncomfortably, but without a bit of remorse for the crime she has committed.

“Nadine, before you got admitted into this school, what did I tell you?” Kade seethes.

“You said that I shouldn’t mingle, I should mind my own business.” She mumbles.

“Did you do that?”

“No. But that boy was treating the freshman badly and I had to help.”

“Wait, so because you escaped death so what, you think you’re tough now, huh? Do not bullshit me, Nadine.” Kade yells.

“Kade!” Caroline exclaims softly.

“The last time this thing happened, Caroline, we both saw what happened to her. Nadine, I told you to mind your own business but you trashed me away and did your own thing because you think you are a messiah now. Where did you learn all this karate that has made you smash someone’s collar bone and create dents in his spinal cord? You completely disfigured his face! When did you begin to get into fights with boys, huh? Answer me, Nadine!”

“Kade, this is not the time!” Caroline yells.

“Then when is the time? Does she know what I went through thinking I was gonna lose her? How am I gonna get the money to pay his bills? What if she goes to jail? I have done all I can to get rid of police cases.”

“I am sorry, brother.” Nadine says.

“Sorry? You are sorry? Look, what’s gotten into you all of a sudden? Be logical for a minute. Right now, the guy whom you had beaten mercilessly is free from punishment and you are here about to get suspended on your second day of school. Do you think all things get wiped away by saying sorry?”

“Get in the car, Nadine.” Caroline coaxes. Nadine gets up and galumphs angrily to the car.

“Kade, this is not the time to yell and scream at her. She has mental issues that might be delicate. Take it easy on her, okay? Let’s pay attention to important things now.”

“Mental issues? A mental patient had the guts to pick up a serious fight with three hefty boys. Nadine never knows how to do that. She can’t even kick a ball properly.”

“Yes, I understand, Kade. But yelling at her does not change anything. You need to talk to her nicely and get to the bottom of the matter. Kade, I’ll pay the bills. Let’s talk about this later. Get in the car with Nadine, go home and I’ll go the hospital with The Principal. I’ll take care of everything. It’s all on me.”

“No. I’ll take care of things myself.” Kade insists.

“You don’t have any money on you right now. Allow me to help you.”

“Okay. Thanks a lot. But I’ll come with you okay? Let me just drive her home.” Kade says. Caroline nods.

Ciana Pandora Where stories live. Discover now