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Kade had won the contract with Mr. Bradley after a smooth interview with cerebral answers from Kade. Mr. Bradley would provide some spare parts and faulty cars for Kade to refurbish and give to his company which would pay him handsomely and the money he promised to give was so huge that Kade almost fell off his seat. That evening, he went home and gave both Caroline and Nadine a thankful hug. Now since Kade couldn’t do all the work alone and was a small- scale business man, Mr. Bradley offered to give him agents to work with him as apprentices in a large scale enterprise. And all this happened in a matter of weeks.

      Kade’s new enterprise was close to Smithville and it had the most suitable amount of space. He was satisfied with his life now. Nadine is rather having a tough time at school, thinking hard about the arrival of her kin from Ohr. She is fully conscious of the power she had, but she was afraid to use it.
        She is having chemistry classes right now, but keeps looking around for an incoming unfamiliar face. She discerns that Dionne and Jedrek may come in a form of new students, but come what may, she was sure they would com somewhere near her. Zachary, the wimp whose life she had saved from the bully comes over to her and sits next to her. They became good friends ever since she saved his life.

“Nadine, are you alright?” he asks.

“Oh, yes. I am just thinking.”

“About what?”

“You wouldn’t understand. But tell me, is there a newcomer here? Have you seen some new faces?”

“No. Are you expecting someone?” Zachary asks.

“Yes. Immediately you see someone, please inform me as soon as possible.”


“I just need to know. It is very important. Please, Zachary.”

“Hey, with your fighting abilities, you must have picked up a fight with someone on the streets, didn’t ya?” Zachary asks suspiciously.

“I didn’t. I don’t even know anyone on the streets. Just do as I said, please.”

“Alright.” Zachary shrugs. “But chill out; you should see your face right now. It’s red hot.”

“I am just neurotic. Some people want to kill me.” Nadine says.

“So I was right; you did pick up a fight. I can alert the principal if you want.”

“No, please don’t.”

“But why do some people want to kill you? What did you do?”

“Nothing actually. Those people are just sadistic and want a lot of things from me.”

“Weird.” Zachary shakes his head. “It’s okay if you want to keep being enigmatic. I respect privacy.”

“No, I’d love to tell someone about it, but it’s too difficult to believe and it may cause commotion.”

“I’ll believe anything you say. You can count on me. Maybe I could be of some help.”

“You cannot do anything about it, Zachary. I cannot tell you.” Nadine winces, and then she turns back to the talking teacher and tries to listen.

School is over. Nadine feels a tap on her shoulder. She lifts up her head from the desk with a start, but it is only her teacher, smiling at her.

“Nadine, school is over. You didn’t do the assignment.” She says.

“I’m sorry, I overslept.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Don’t worry, I can stay behind and do it. I may not have the rest of the day to complete it.” Nadine says.

“Good. I didn’t have to tell you all that. Here’s your pamphlet. I’ll be in the principal’s office in case you need me.” The teacher says.

“Okay.” Nadine smiles and gets to work. The teacher leaves her alone in the classroom and heads for the principal’s office. Nadine is still on the assignment whereby she is supposed to narrate the battle of Chancellorsville when the door to the classroom cracks open. Nadine turns around frantically. It is a man clad in dungarees, with blonde hair and very little azure eyes. Nadine exhales; it is the school’s janitor. He’s holding a mop, a mop bucket and a vacuum cleaner.

“Um, actually, I am not yet done with some assignment so could you wait till I am done?” Nadine squeaks.

“Sure,” He says and perches on one of the desk. “I’ll wait here.”

“Don’t you have other rooms to clean?” Nadine asks.

“No, here’s the last one.”

Ciana Pandora Where stories live. Discover now