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One Month Later, Hawkins, Indiana. October 1985;

Robin walks into The Moonlight Diner and runs into Steve's arms and hugs 'Steve The Hair-Harrington' tightly as they had gotten back together, he then lets her have a seat next to him and goes to kiss her, but then she jokes, "Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet."

A majority of citizens around town read the recent newspaper... including Karen, in her living room reading her daughter and Jonathan's newspaper article they had worked on last month. It outlines the events of the Hawkins Community Pool being shut down after been discovered as a secret room by Hawkins Lab![ Leaving out the Upside Down chaos for the public, keeping them from knowing what really happened] Instead it mentions that the deceased Bruce Wilson was exposed for being a fraud and was actually Bruce Vadimovich: a Russian spy, sent undercover to Hawkins as a reporter because he knew English and could fake an American accent!



Written By Nancy Wheeler / Photography By Jonathan Byers

The information collected in this article could be more alarming and spread news greater than the crazy outbreak of the Virus did in the prior summer, which Medical experts had claimed and identified the bizarre infection as - Amoebic Meningitis: a disease contaminated through warm water. Not only did the heat rain down on the small town of Hawkins in the previous summer, but dead fish were found washed up at Lover's Lake and leaks busted in the Sewers! We can assume all of these events link back to the impenetrable virus to support this.

BRUCE VADIMOVICH Bruce Wilson, He was just another reporter fighting for truth and justice. That was until he was discovered to be a fraud, phoney, foul, unrighteous, twisted, misogynistic dirty rat! Exposed for actually being Bruce Vadimovich: a Russian spy who had been sent to Hawkins as an undercover reporter because he knew English and could fake an American accent!

Speaking of rats, this time the feral little pests- apparently many appeared to have drowned in the swimming pool, as well as an unnatural growth of plants hanging around the area. This could once again be linked back to the above disease as academic research states- Amoebic meningitis is a very rare infection. It is caught from stagnant water in waterholes and in poorly chlorinated swimming pools, especially when the water temperature rises above 30°C. This lead to Hawkins new local summer ideal place - the Community Pool to be shut down. Not only for the hazardous concerns but also because of a shadier secret-Hawkins National Lab had been discovered to occupy in another secret room, beneath the Pool- filled with blueprints and old scientific files. The lab secrets had been long buried. Our very own Mayor Kline quoted feeling incognisant,' Well forgive me, but I wouldn't count that rusty old shed as part of the pool's infrastructure...this needs to be taken care of immediately!'


[🎵 At the hospital, Hopper and Joyce hold hands both looking at Jonathan... who still appears to be in a medically induced coma fighting for his life! She just cries onto Hopper's shoulder, who comforts her patting her back. Nancy leaves the building crying and opens the door and sits in her (Mercury Grand Marquis Colony Park) car for a couple of seconds using tissues to wipe away her tears, she then sniffles and drives away. After the destruction of the campsite, all the kids are traumatised and shaken up from what they have been through regarding the past month at Camp Sunshine Lake, now nicknamed 'Camp Nightmare' by all of them. Dustin is revealed to have survived his near-death experience from last month. They are all very quiet, coming out of therapy from the hospital. In their sessions, the gang had informed each other the best that they could; about the Camp trip and Dustin told them about how TEAM REDS( a new girl-Robin, Steve, himself and Lucas's little sister- Erica) teamed up to save the town in a torrential storm!

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