Chapter 3

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Kion: Fuli...Fuli...Fuli, wake up. It's time to go.

Fuli: Hm, oh, yeah. Let's go.

Fuli woke up to see that the rest of the guard was waiting for her.

Bung: You hear the kitty-cat, let's go!

Fuli: UGH,

Kion: Hm, Let's go. We're so close to the tree of life.

And I think we're getting close to... Fuli thought.  Kion and the guard kept going, they faced most villains and made it to the entrance.

Kion: Yes, we're here!

Guard: Yeah!

Fuli: Ok, so now we just have to get through...

Bung: Ooo, a baobab fruit...

(10 minutes later0


Fuli: Kion, please calm down. We'll find away. It'll be alright

Kion: FULI, stop saying it will be fine because it won't

Fuli: Kion, look at me. We're going to find a way to get to the tree of life, and we will because we're all worried about ono, We want to help and we're going to help-I'm going to help-

???: Stop right there!

Guard: Hm?

???: Who are you? What right do you have to destroy this pathway?

Kion: Please, we-

Bunga: We're the lion guard!

???: A lion guard with only-ONE lion?

Kion: Yes.

???: Hm,

Kion: We need to get to the tree of life, my friend ono. He's blind. He need help.

Fuli: -but so does kion.

???: ............Hm, o-ok. Come with me.

Kion: Thank you.

???: No problem, I'm Rani.

Kion: I'm Kion, This is Fuli, Beshtie, Anga, Bunga, And Ono.

Rani: We'll then, Kion-and your guard, welcome to the tree of life...


(Five days later)

Azaad: Fuli, what's wrong? You've been so-run down

Fuli: It's nothing really

Azaad: Nothing? I'm sure it's something

Fuli: It's just-Kion does not love me. He told me, but I think it was just to not make me feel sad.

Azaad: Oh Fuli. Don't feel bad. After all, he is a lion. And lions are our most terrible enemies-

Fuli stood up.

Fuli: NO, Kion was different. He was not a BAD lion. He was kind, heroic-and he was a leader.

Azaad: a leader? And he leads you into depression? Huh...

Fuli: But we had to meet Rani.

Azaad: ...

Fuli: Azaad! Take me back with you, I don't want to see Rani and-Kion.

Azaad: Back to the Cheetah lands? Ok. Let's go!

Azaad ran out of the cave Fuli was in. Goodbye Kion, I  wish you well. Fuli thought Not Rani  She added in her thoughts. Fuli hesitated.

Life in the Pridelands: The Tree of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now