Chapter 10

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Author's Note:

I will update this chapter soon. Also, I will not be able to update it on Friday, November 22nd, 2019. Sorry!

Hope you all have a great day!

Fuli stayed standing with the pride. Later they moved to their hang out. Fuli was worried about Kion. What if something happened to him? She worried although she hid it. She watched Bunga and Beshtie play in the water but less happy. Anga and Ono talked with worried and serious faces. She thought to herself. I hope my father and brother will be ok. Because if they are not there after the war, I don't know what I'll do.

After Kion talked to Kanari. He felt worried about Fuli. What if someone hurt her, or worse. He didn't think about it. He had the wanting of being by her side and comforting her. He loved her. Fuli loved him. He thought about a family together with her. Then his mind went turned into dark skies. How would I protect Fuli? My friends? The Tree of Life?

Bunga played in the lake. He wasn't too worried about the war. He could take on 20 bad guys. Or at least he thought he could. Bunga was always sad but he covered it with his annoyance, braveness, and happiness. He always wondered who his real parents were. He thought about it a lot. He was ALWAYS sad inside. He wished he could know. But right now...I have to help Kion with the war. YEAH!

Beshtie swam with Bunga and taking breaks. He was on his 4th break. He worried about Kion and Fuli. He wanted them to be happy. But with war about to happen, he also worried about his father who was back at the Pride-Lands. He worried about his friend and the Tree of Life citizens. Oh, father. Wish us luck and that we win without a scratch of blood...or without death.

Anga was talking to Ono. She didn't worry too much. She knew she could beat everyone. But even though she was tough, it didn't mean she had feelings. This means she worried about Ono. Her friend and her crush. She enjoyed him around, He was smart and the opposite of Bunga. She didn't think about her feelings though. She pushed them to the back of her head where she could forget them. But when she saw Ono, the feelings were always recalled. I got this! And I'll protect Ono. No matter what.

Ono sat beside Anga. He felt her warm feathers and enjoyed it. But he would scooch away every time he noticed he was getting close to her. He thought about his family at home. He wanted them safe. He also didn't want to think that he would never see them again. He shook his head. Trying to back off the thought. He wished he could be like Anga, Beshtie, Bunga, Fuli or Kion. He wished he could be much help. But he thought he was NO help at all. Maybe I'm not the Kighnest of Sight. Why did Kion ever choose me?

----(Next Day)----

Ono: Kion, Kion!

Kion opened his eyes. He saw Ono and Anga hoovering over him.

Anga: C'mon wake up.

Kion: What is it.

Ono and Anga: Rani is-

Anga and Ono looked at each other. Then Ono let Anga do the talking.

Anga: Um, Rani is here with an army of A THOUSAND LIONS!

Ono: She said this...

Anga: "Whenever you're ready Kion"

Kion was startled. The war was already starting. He didn't have a plan or anything! His mind went coco now. And he needed help. 

Kion: Anga, get Fuli, Bunga, and Beshtie.

Anga: Got it

And she flew off.

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