Chapter 5

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Fuli felt angry. She loved Giza, not Kion. But she didn't want to kill Kion because she still felt something for him. She still loved Kion. Her head was buzzing with thoughts. Who did she love? Giza or Kion? She couldn't tell. She was too angry.

Giza: Fuli, I-I'm sorry I couldn't give you the REAL life you wanted.

Fuli: Shh, don't worry Giza. You rest. Nekupenda.

Giza: Neku-

Giza toke a deep breath.

Giza: -penda.

Fuli still laid on the ground. She felt no more anger but sadness. She felt like crying and she did. Her tear escaped her eyes and landed on Giza's head. She didn't pay attention to the war anymore. But she felt eyes on her. She still focused on the death of Giza. The eyes were like lasers on her back. She couldn't stand them.

Fuli: What do you want Kion.

She said in an angry voice.

Kion: I'm-I'm sorry Fuli, I just-

Fuli: KION, YOU did NOT have ANY right to use YOUR roar! But you did! And now, And now it caused this war! STOP THIS NOW!

Kion hesitated. And Fuli started to cry harder but she spoke in the angriest voice she could muster.


Kion: I'm sorry Fuli, LION! Let's get out of here!

Fuli: Asante, Kion. Thank you.

Kion: I'm sorry Fuli.

Fuli: Kion, take me back with you. I need to talk to my father.

Fuli remembered the time when she met her father at the tree of life...

She was walking to her favorite spot to run. She ran for hours until it was night. But one time she saw a male cheetah. He was hunting and all she could do was stare. He was an older cheetah. Not her age. And he was getting closer to his prey. Suddenly he pounced and ripped the deer apart. Then when he carried his prey, he spotted her. He dropped his prey and his jaw dropped. Then he yelled something.

Him: Fuli?

She was confused but she finally said something.

Fuli: Yeah, that's me.

The older cheetah ran fast ignoring his prey. He met Fuli's eyes. He hugged her and spoke to her.

Him: Your eyes are just like your mothers.

Fuli: Mothers? What?

He pulled back.

Fuli: What are you talking about?

Him: You don't remember me or anything?

Fuli: I would like to know your name.

Him: Its Haraka. But to you, It's Father.


Kion: Fuli?

Fuli looked at him startled.

Fuli: Yeah?

Kion: Um, everything-ok?

Fuli: ...Sure-Yeah.

Kion: If there's anything I cand do to make you feel better-

Fuli: No, nothing.

Kion: O-Ok,

Everyone still walked util they entered the pathway to the tree of life. Everyone Ran to their homes, friend, or families. Fuli only had two people to run to. That was Her father and her younger brother, Haionekani. She ran without saying a word to Kion and entered her father's cave. There she found that they were having lunch. Her brother looked up.

Life in the Pridelands: The Tree of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now