Chapter 7

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Kion walked around thinking and making sure everything was alright. Well, not for him. Does he love Fuli more? What about Rani? If I love Fuli more, why did I marry Rani? These were the questions that confused him. Why was it so difficult. All he had to do is admit who he loved more. But who? he thought. Why would I marry Rani? But If I loved Fuli, I would marry her. He still thought, he was looking around just in case anyone hears him think out loud. But then why would I feel a feeling for Fuli right NOW? He just couldn't help it. He tried to change the subject in his mind. He looked around. He was hoping to see Fuli, but he didn't. He shook his head trying to forget about his thought that was bleeding back in. He decided to go back to the tree of life and he hummed the song that he and Fuli-Yes, me and Fuli. He thought. That's it. That's who I will love. I always did, and I always will. He raced to Fuli's cave. But he stopped about halfway. What will I do about Rani? Could I just pretend to love her? Hmm,...He looked around to check if Rani was there. But something-or someone was talking. He walked quietly(again)to the voices. Then there. Two cheetahs. One was Mgomo, a friend of-there was Fuli. Yeah, a friend of Fuli. HE heard what Fuli was telling Mgomo. It was about him destroying the wall and then about them singing. But also about Fuli's feelings.

Fuli: I still feel something for Kion, even though he killed Giza.

Mgomo: Hmm, did you feel like he loves you too?

Fuli: It felt like everything but like nothing at the same time. The world stopped and then I forgot about everything. It was wonderful. I-I loved it. I love him.

Kion had his chance. He could walk right up and say "Fuli, I love you too..." and stuff. He was ready. He took his first step-

Rani: KION! There you are.

He turned around. Then back at Fuli. She had left. Rani drove away Fuli from him. At his ONE chance. He could see the trail of dust Fuli and her friend left. It was fading. He could have followed it right away. But Rani was here. There was nothing he could do. He needed to find an excuse for being here. He didn't love Rani after all. He wanted to be with Fuli. Fuli the fastest. He had that wanting feeling. He almost felt like he needed Fuli. He stood up and stared into Rani's eyes.

Kion: Rani.

He said sternly.

Kion: I do not want to be with you anymore.

Rani laughed.

Rani: Ha! What!? You're joking, right?

Kion hesitated. He thought so much. This had never happened to him. He was so confused.

Kion: No, Rani. I am NOT joking.

Rani: WHAT!?!? Why! NO! You CAN'T!

Kion: why can't I.

Rani: Because-Because, you're the only one left that I care about.

Kion: Let go of his anger for a while. He felt bad. He wanted to comfort her. (But not in a we-are-a couple way).

Kion: I'm sorry Rani. But Since I'm the King-

Rani: You don't own this place!

Kion: But I'm KING, A king is greater than a QUEEN

Does that make me a bad leader? He thought. Nah...He looked at her with a serious face. He knew that she knew what she had to do.

Rani: FINE.

Then Rani and her brother walked out of the tree of life. Not really to be seen again. Kion was tired. He wanted Fuli beside him like she used to be. He remembered the times they had. He needed to make things right. He ran to Fuli's cave. He asked for her privately and her father gave him an I'm-watching-you look. Then Fuli came out. Beautiful like the day I met you.

Kion: Fuli. I am very, Very, VERY sorry for what I did. I apologize and I hope we could be together.

Fuli didn't look at him. She was looking down to the right. He put his head down. But he felt her soft fur on his own. She was hugging him. He lifted his head to hug back. He felt this warmness that he used to feel when they used to be at the pride lands. Fuli backed up.

Fuli: I accept your apology. 

She smiled and Kion smiled back and hugged her. But when he opened his eyes, he saw her father standing outside of the cave glaring at him. Like if he was going to kill Kion. Kion quickly backed up. He smiled and told her that they were to be together. He wanted to be together. She said the same. After that, he felt relieved. He walked back to the tree forgetting about Rani. HE couldn't sleep. HE thought about the future of him and Fuli. Then when his thought came to a stop and told him to go to sleep. Kion closed his eyes and drifted into a wet dream.

(I do NOT know what this chapter was about! I just wrote as I went because I want to finish this story already!)

Life in the Pridelands: The Tree of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now