♡Naru's Bio♡

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Here's Naru's Biography

Name:Hoshimimi Naru


Bday:May 17


Blood type:A


Affiliation:Star Rosette Academy

Occupation:Student and Idol

Idol Type:Cute

Brand:Lovely Melody

Appearance:Naru is a girl with fair skin and gradient orange eyes. She has wavy pink hair with coral ombre.

She wears a  pink headband with a pink ribbon  and a pink ribbon tied on her forebang.

Personality:Naru is cheerful and  Happy go lucky girl. She loves to make foods and bake desserts with her family. Loves to get her hair done by her older sister or her mother. Naru loves to do someone's hair *only if they want* she's kind to everyone and even to her aikatsu  friends . she even don't care if she win or lose,she wants to have fun!. That's Naru for ya!.

Making food and baking sweets
Tara Ohara
Spending time with her family
Doing someone's hair
Dancing on stage
Drawing and Designing
Meeting new friends and top rosette idols and other top idols from other academies.

Fake friends or people
Annoying Things
Hurtful things
Seeing her friends cry or getting self esteem
Getting hurt


Endou Hoshimimi (father)

Eri Hoshimimi  (mother)

Wataru Hoshimimi  (big brother)

Haru Hoshimimi  (big sister)

Suzu Hoshimimi  (little sister)

Yūu Hoshimimi (little brother)


-Yūkino June

Naru's friend and rival. She became Naru's friend and rival after seeing her spectacular debut performance at Star Rosette Academy.  Shortly afterwards  they became good friends. She's a cool and a calm girl.

- Hagaromi Lucy

She is the  energetic twin of Hagaromi Maya. She and Naru are pretty close!. She even likes her hair with the coral ombre. Lucy loves,loves to dance and dance. She loves getting her hair done by Naru or her twin sister.

- Hagaromi Maya

She's the quiet and calm twin of Hagaromi Lucy. She and Naru are pretty close too. She loves to read books and studying. She also loves to eat sweets and drinking tea.

- Kokomo Aki

Aki is also a energetic girl as Naru and Lucy.

Her partner is Takahashi Evelyn.

Aki loves to dance and dance as Lucy even she challenges her in a dance off.
She knows Evelyn when she and Evelyn were little and did sereval photoshoots before enrolling Star Rosette Academy.

-Takahashi Evelyn

Aki's childhood friend. she also calm and cool as June and Maya. She loves modeling and walking down the runway.  Her favorite sweets is chocolate!(*as Mahiru from Aikatsu Stars and Karen from Aikatsu Dreams *)

Other facts bout Naru!:

-She has the scent of music and roses.

-her favorite foods is Tomato basil cheese sandwich,spaghetti and desserts.

-her favorite animal is dogs and puppies !

-her favorite flowers are flowers and roses.

-she can read people's mind  just by looking  at their expressions and body language.

-her favorite color are pink and pastel colors.

-she's good in volleyball and other sports.

-loves dressing up.


(*So There you have it!,Naru's bio!. I'll be making The first chapter of Aikatsu Believe now!,So see you later!*)

Aikatsu ☆ Believe!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora