♡Ch16:Premium Dresses On Stage!♡

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No one's pov

"I can't believe it that we got our premium rare dresses!"Aki said.

"Yeah!,after waiting and waiting. We definitely earn it!"Lucy grinned.

"Glad we did our celebration for it, we definitely deserve it"Maya said.

"Ok,but we need to keep going with our Aikatsu"June said,a bit serious, ruining the mood.

"June,you are ruining the mood"Said Lucy and Aki in unison, June hmphed .

"I'm being serious!".

Naru patted on her head,making June a bit red of embarrassment.

"But June's right. We need to actually keep going with our Aikatsu"Naru said.

The others agreed with her.

"At least ,I've someone like Naru"June said.

"Aw!,June-chan!"Naru hugged her ,a bit tightly.

"Naru,you're crushing me a bit...".

Naru immediately released her and apologized.

June sighed and then smiled at her.

(*At the Headmistress's office*)

" you organized a premium live stage performance?"Tara asked and Flora nodded.

"Yes. Since they all got their premium rare dresses while they're in their first year. I thought it would be nice to have them performing together on stage in their premium rare dresses".

"So,when is the performance?"Natalia asked.

"This week's Saturday. You 3 will announce this to them,ok"Bell-sensei said.

"Hai!"Tara,Natalia and Yuri said in unison.

"Ok. You 3 three are dismissed"Flora said.

Tara,Natalia and Yuri left the office .

"I'm so proud of these girls"Yuri said proudly.

Natalia nodded.

"They're the first 6 who got their premium rare dresses while they're in their first year".

"I bet they'll be excited to hear it from us when we say this to them"Tara giggled.

"Ok,let's stop for today"June panted as she and the others stopped jogging.

"Finally,I'm exhausted!"Lucy plopped down on the ground.

"Me too!"Aki did the same.

"But we did our best with it,right?" Maya asked.

"Right!. After all this running, I got hungry!"Naru placed her hand on her stomach as it growled.

"Really,Naru?. We just ate lunch"June said,not amused.

"I couldn't help it!"Naru grinned.

June sighed and shook her head with a smile.

Then Tara,Natalia and Yuri came up to them.

"Tara,Natalia and Yuri-senpai!"Naru noticed them and bowed to them.

The others notices them too and bowed to them as well.

"Hi girls. We wanted to tell you all something"Tara started.

"What is it?"Evelyn asked.

"Well, since that you six have your own premium rare dresses, headmistress Flora wanted to organize a live performance for you all"Natalia finishes.

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