♡Ch5:Here Comes Aki And Evelyn!♡

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'Just Believe inYourself  if you want to be a idol one day,  Aikatsu Believe is bout to begin!

Naru's pov

"Ittetakimasu!"Both me and Lucy said together and dig in our lunch.

"Oishii~!"We both praised,enjoying our food.

"Mou,you two are so big eaters"June said,watching us eating.

"We can't help it"I told her with a smile.

"We got hungry from a lot of practicing,jogging and doing exercises".

"Ma,ma.let them be,June-chan"Maya said.

"We deserve a lunch from all the hard exercises".

June sighed."I guess so...".

Then we heard the door burst open and everyone began shrieking bout something,causing us to wonder what they are shrieking about.

It revealed two girls,One girl had light yellow hair ,tied in a side ponytail and worn by blue hair bobbles. She has blue eyes.

The other girl was tall and had brown  wavy brown hair,wore a pastel purple butterfly hair clip on her bangs on the left side. She has violet eyes.

"Ne,ne who are these two?"I asked.

"They are Kokomo Aki and Takahashi Evelyn"June told the names of the two girls.

"They are childhood friends and did several idol activities together  such as photoshoots  modeling and acting"
Maya explained.

"Everyone are a big fan of them".

"I see..."I said in a understanding tone.

"Yo,Lucy!"the light yellow haired girl came up to our table,waving at Lucy with the brown wavy haired girl following her.

"Yo,Aki!"Lucy greeted her back  and the two did a high five together.

"You two know each other?"I asked.

"Of course!. I known Aki and Evelyn for a long time!"Lucy said.

"Aki,Evelyn. This is Hoshimimi Naru".

"I'm Hoshimimi Naru. It's nice to meet you two"I bowed to the two as I introduced myself.

"It's Nice to meet cha too,Naru!"The light yellow haired girl now named Aki said.

"And I'm Takahashi Evelyn. Hope that we do idol activities together"Evelyn introduced herself as she bowed to me.

"The same to you,Evelyn"I bowed back.

"So,Lucy. Wanna do some break dancing together?. It's a while since we did it"Aki grinned.

"Oh,you're on!"Lucy grinned too.

"Break Dancing?"I questioned confused and looked at June .

"You gonna see one of Lucy's talents"
she said.

I looked at her ,so totally confused .

(*At the training room*)

We are at the training room, Aki and Lucy stood ready as Maya pressed the music on, on her Aikatsu mobile.

Then I watched in amazement as the both girls are break dancing.

My eyes twinkled at this and my smile grew bigger.

The two posed together as the music was done playing.

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