♡Ch22:Delicious Donuts!♡

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'Just Believe in Yourself if you want to be a Idol. Aikatsu Believe is bout to begin!'.

No one's pov

"Maya,hurry up!"Lucy shouted as she puts her shoes on and munched on a chocolate dipped french cruller donut.

"Coming!"Maya shouted back ,rolling playfully her eyes and left her and Lucy's room.

She grabbed a white chocolate dipped french  cruller donut and both Hagaromi twin sisters hurried off to school.


"Ohayo,Minna!"Lucy greeted the others as she and Maya arrived just in time at Star Rosette Academy.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu"Maya greeted them too with a bow.

"Ah.Ohayo,Lucy,Maya"Naru greeted back to them.

"You two were lucky that you got just in time"June said,putting her hands on her hips.

"Gomenasai,I overslept a bit but at least that we got in time before school starts"Lucy sheepishly laughed.

Maya just sighed but smiled at her twin sister's silliness.

"Ma,ma. Lucy,how bout some breakdance battle again after class?"Aki said with a determined smile on her face.

"Oh,you're on!"Lucy had also a determined smile on her face.

June just sweatdropped and leaned over to Evelyn.

"Would they do this all the time?".

"Not so much but sometimes"Evelyn answered with a smile on her face.


"Heh. You're good,but next time I'll beat you for sure!"Aki grinned as she and  Lucy were with their breakdance battle in the training room.

"Oh yeah we'll see bout that!"Lucy grinned too and both Pop-Typed idols plopped down into the ground,catching their breaths.

Lucy grabbed her Aikatsu mobile and looked through her Rosegram(* The name for the platform like as Kirakiratter and Prism Kirakiratter*) if any caught her interest.

Til something caught her interest.

"Woah~!. Yuri from Rosetta Kiss will be appearing on the most popular cooking show:'Happy Gourmet!' ".

"Really,let me see!"Aki took a look too.

"Happy Gourmet is like the most popular cooking show ever along with FuwaFuwa Pâtisserie!".

"Yeah,where that one Top Prism Idol,Hayami Mai made an appearance there,to make rainbow cake"Lucy said.

"Naru told me about it,telling me she would watch that show when she has break and told me that Hayami Mai was so talented in baking,because she's a daughter of two bakers  and her parents own a bakery shop named:' Rainbow Angelic Bakery' ".

"I also heard that Yuri is also great in baking except her parents dont own a bakery shop"Aki said,a unsure if she got it right.

"Wow~!. I never thought that I have two smart Pop-Typed idols!" A enthusiastic voice said,causing both Lucy and Aki look up from Lucy's Aikatsu mobile and saw Rosetta Kiss's Yuri standing there with a grin on her face.

"Y-YURI-SENPAI!?!?"Both Lucy and Aki shouted in surprise together, seeing their Top Rosette Idol standing there.

"Lucy-chan,Aki-chan.. I've chosen you both to be my assistants for Happy Gourmet!"Yuri pointed both of her fingers at Lucy and Aki.

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