♡Ch15:A Pattern Dress!♡

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June's pov

Now I'm the only one who's got to get a Premium Rare Dress. Naru,Lucy,
Maya,Aki and Evelyn got their premium rare dresses and now I'm the only one left.

I'm gonna do my best to get my premium rare dress!.


"Itadakimasu!"Naru said and took a bite of her strawberry Swiss roll cake.


I just poked my bagel sandwich with my finger .

"June,what's wrong?"Naru asked.

I snap out of my thoughts and answered:"Uh?,nothing..".

Naru looked at me and then smiled.

"Dajiobu. I'm sure you'll get your own premium rare dress".

I smiled and nodded.

"I guess your right".

Naru grabbed my bagel sandwich and  held it out in of me.

"Say ahh~!"Naru said,teasing me of course.

I puffed my cheeks before eating the bagel.

Now I was practicing my dance moves. While focusing on my dance moves,I kept thinking about if I'll ever going to get my premium rare dress.

It causes me to stop practicing and stare at the mirror.

"No.. I've to think positive... I'll get my premium rare dress.."I muttered .

I continued practicing,thinking very positive.

Naru and the others were talking bout stuff as we go to her house to eat.

I kept thinking and thinking about getting my premium rare dress.  Will I ever get it?.

"June?,you are absolutely quiet today" Evelyn said,causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine,Don't worry"I told her with a little smile.

"Is it bout that you are not sure if you ever will get your own premium rare dress?"Naru asked.

I nodded and just sighed.

"Dajiobu,June!. Like I said,you'll get your own premium rare dress!. I just know it!"Naru placed both hands on my shoulders.

"Naru's right!,"Lucy agreed with Naru .

"I was also thinking the same as you but kept positive bout it ".

"So ,Don't worry about it,ok?"Naru grinned.

I blinked before smiling and nodded.

"Thanks a lot,girls".

"Now let's hurry,I'm now starving!" Lucy continued walking,we all laughed and followed her.

The next day,when I walked through the hallway till I heard music through the door.

I wonder who it could be so I peeked through the door and saw Natalia-senpai practicing.

Her moves were perfection,my eyes twinkled with stars as I stared at her.

"Sugoi,Natalia-senpai "I praised as I entered inside the training room and Natalia-senpai was just finished.

"Ah,Yūkino-san. Arigato"Natalia-senpai smiled.

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