When He's Jealous

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-tried to ignore it

-ends up running towards you and throwing his arms around your neck

-kisses you passionately until the guy leaves

-hugs you and begs you not to leave him

-comes up behind you and hugs you

-holds your hand

-"Hi, I'm Shu Kurenai, y/n's boyfriend"

-tries to chase the guy off with kindness

-when the guy leaves he kisses you and makes sure you're not about to leave him

-stalks up to the guy

-says "what are you doing with my girlfriend?"

-becomes menacing

-is probably going to beat the sh*t out of the guy but you stop him

-you tell him he can't kill anyone in public

-tries to ignore it but becomes uncomfortable

-asks him politely to leave

-when the guy refuses Diago gets all mad

-he's pretty cute when he's frustrated

-checks to see if you're okay

-comes from the shadows

-has a little "chat" with the guy

-guy is haunted now and is too afraid to speak to anyone now

-you've never felt more proud of Ukyo


Same as Free really

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