Chapter 1

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Heli flew downwards, holding the four small heroes. She set her feet lightly upon the landing pad and placed the heroes down. "We should rest here. I dunno if I can fly much longer," Heli said. "Okay, we'll look around." Cyan walked a bit away. After a bit of exploration of the area, an audible THUMP was heard. The five shapians turned their heads in the direction of the noise.

"Ughh..." The blue cube shapian groaned, lifting herself off the ground. She looked around for a moment, spotting the group.



Smiling, Cube was about to stand up to jump down to her square friend when she was grabbed by a claw. A silence swept through the area for a quick moment. Heli freaked out as Cube was lifted up. She flew hastily and grabbed the claw, attempting to free Cube.

Her attempt proved to be useless as Heli was thrown out of the way and Cube fell onto the conveyor belt. Before any of the four heroes could react, the corrupted third of the treeangle was squeezed and Cube was hit by the corrupted matter.

Heli flew over to the stunned heroes. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save her in time." Penta shook his head. "It's not your fault Heli. We should focus on Cube and- HEY!"

Some corrupt shapians were hoisting Cube off the ground. Once they heard Penta yelling, they took off with Cube. "Get back here!!" Tri yelled, running after them. Heli and the three remaining heroes followed after her.

Just as the quintet of shapians were close to catching the corrupt, three sets of gates closed in front if them. "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!" Tri bitterly yelled. "How the fuck are we gonna get Cube now?!" Ciro paced around in a panic.

"Over here!"

Everyone looked over to where another blue shapian was calling to them from. He waved them over. The five ran over to him as Ciro said, "what are you doing here Captain?"

"I've actually been looking for you." Captain hopped up onto the surface. "You look really upset, something happen?" The five looked at each other before Cyan stepped forward.

"Let's start from when we went into the factory."

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