Chapter 11

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Cubic was terrified. She saw CN's blood on the multicolor blade of Cyan's sword. She's seen the damage of the other corrupts after fighting the heroes. That could be her after this. Lying on the ground helplessly, bleeding heavily just like CN. The thought frightened Cubic beyond belief. (God, i'm trying to use advanced words and it's difficult cuz I don't know many synonyms.)

In front of her, First Crush hit the ground roughly. She lifted herself up, glaring at the four heroes in front of her. They glared back in response. "Just tell Blixer to give it up! We WILL save Paradise and none of you can stop us!" Penta shouted at her.

"Not if she can help it..." First Crush maliciously grinned. She stood up, trembling. Looking back at Cubic, she spoke, "go Cubic. Win this battle for us!" Cubic gazed at her worriedly. "Will you be okay?" She whispered to the injured shapian. First Crush only responded with a thumbs up and a weak smile before pushing Cubic forward.

It was now the heroes turn for an expression of shock and worry. This was their guardian! "...Cube..?" Cyan looked at his now corrupted friend. Cubic glared at the small blue square. "It's CUBIC," she growled at him. The four were scared. They had to fight Cube? What if they hurt her accidentally? This is- no, WAS their best friend!

Cyan sighed. "Guys. This is what we've been working toward. This is how we'll save Cube!" Penta looked at him with a puzzled look. "By beating the shit outta her??" Tri smacked Penta upside the head. "No! With the treeangle piece you moron!!"

Penta rubbed his head, slightly wincing. "Geez, Tri..." All four heroes ran and entered Cubic's level. "Close To Me, by Sabrepulse." Cubic introduced the level name. She was flickering back and forth between blue and pink. She was also crying, as it was extremely painful to her.

Cubic was afraid. She couldn't control anything and it hurt so fucking much. She wanted it to stop. She didn't want to do this anymore. It was too painful and terrifying. Is it too late to back out? Suddenly, Cubic summoned two pink metal claws and slammed them on the ground of the level, lifting the pink floor upwards.





The four heroes all got hit when Cubic lifted the floor up. They were panicking a lot. Not only was Cube in a shit ton of pain, but the bullet patterns were completely insane. Not even a third into the level, the four heroes shattered.

"This is gonna be a wild ride," Cyan sighed.

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