Chapter 2

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The corrupted climbed the tower, just avoiding their enemies. Closing the three gates behind them, they continued the ascent to the throne room of the corrupt king. The now corrupt Cube was following, looking around at her new surroundings.

The group had now reached the doors to the throne room where one person stood guard. Not a shapian, and definitely not corrupt. She was one of the residents of WA. "What do you need?" She asked the corrupted in front of her. "We have news for the boss. The guardian of the four heroes has been corrupted!" One of them explained.

"Woah. Holy shit. Well, you do that." She opened the door for them and they walked through with Cube still following closely behind. As they neared the top, the sound of guitar chords got progressively louder. Cube covered her (nonexistent) ears. Who plays music that fucking loud?

All of them had reached the top by now and Cube glanced ahead. There was a shapian wearing a black leather jacket with pink spikes on the shoulders. He wore ripped jeans and donned a pink crown with a third of the treeangle on it.

He leaned his electric guitar on one of the giant amps next to him. Walking over to the group, he then spoke in a rough tone of voice. "What do you want? I'm busy." Cube squinted at him. Playing guitar leisurely isn't 'busy'. Cube's thoughts were interrupted as one of the corrupt flowers in front of her spoke. "News. Great news. The guardian of the heroes has been corrupted." He moved aside, revealing the short girl.

The man's eyes widened in surprise. A moment of silence passed by before he spoke. "Go. I need to have a word with her." The corrupted flowers nodded before leaving the two alone on the roof of the tower. More silence followed as the king and Cube stared at each other. One in interest, one in fear.

"What's your name guardian?" The king spoke to the smaller girl. His voice seemed to have softened compared to when the other corrupt were present. "C-Cube, and you..?" She answered shyly, casting her gaze to the floor. The king grinned before answering proudly. "My name is Blixer, the king of the corrupt."

An awkward silence followed. There really wasn't much to say to each other. Cube, who was staring at the floor awkwardly, flinched as Blixer shouted. "CN! Come here!" The girl who was in front of the throne room doors appeared. "Yes my king?" "Get Cube to a room. Make her feel at home." Blixer waved them off. CN, as the king had called her, nodded and motioned for Cube to follow her.

Their walk was mostly spent in a semi-awkward silence, aside from exchanging names properly. Once they arrived at a room, CN turned to Cube. "If you need anything, call me. And you seem to be very special. Blix isn't normally this nice to people."

Cube glanced at her. "What do you mean?" But CN didn't respond. She just smiled at Cube before walking back down the hall, leaving one confused Cube.

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